Hey, I'm SheIsNice! [+AMA]

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by _Sia_, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. I still play it, but on PC :p
  2. Go away pls.
    Jcplugs likes this.
  3. The original? :eek:
  4. I don't have a dog sorry :( My dad is allergic to them.
    Jcplugs and 607 like this.
  5. No. The Rayman 2 remake. Nowadays, i'm not that big of a fan of it; I prefer his modern colourful platforming games :p
    607 likes this.
  6. Hi SheIsNice and welcome to the forums.
  7. Thanks :)
  8. Welcome to the forums!

    BTW, you remind me of someone, just not sure who... :p
    607 likes this.
  9. You say that all the time >.>
    607 likes this.
  10. Thanks :)
  11. Welcome to the forums SheIsNice. I'm glad to see that more members that have been game-only are migrating to using the forums. Now if we could only get the rest of the players to do the same...;)
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. Thanks :) It took me over a year to migrate... hopefully more people will join :D
    krysyyjane9191 likes this.
  13. The new tutorial might help with that some. That's the next room on my list too.:cool:
  14. I find the forums pretty fun to be honest. So much better than just jumping around random people's residences :p
    mba2012, Kaizimir and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  15. "Welcome" to EMC!
    I have a ps1, ps2, ps3, ps4. (as well as most other consoles you can think of)
    Here is my take on the whole 'which system is better'
    And, this comes from me spending time and/or owning all of them.

    original xbox = ps2 <--(both have pros and cons, but I think both are pretty equal and capable machines)

    xbox360 > ps3 <--(360 seemed to be more 'playable' title for title, and the controllers I like better for the 360. For games, halo3/reach vs jRpgs, but the Sony online store is horrid (as compared to Microsoft store), and having to waste gigs 'installing' games to play was bad. The psPlus and free multiplayer online with the free games is really cool though as compared to microsoft charging to play multiplayer games online. But still, if I had one console to keep, it would have been the 360)

    ps4 > xbox1 <--(after spending a little time with each, the ps4 is much more polished than the xbox1, so I purchased the ps4... do Not own an xbox1, however when the time is right, I will get one.)

    So, yes I don't dedicate myself to one company. Which ever I think has the best hardware/games wins out.

    See ya around!