Hey guys!

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by SparklesFTW, Apr 15, 2012.

  1. i already started
    smile3 likes this.
  2. The end? Do you mean the Farlands? The actual Stronghold? The world border? Tech what do you think?
    techguy2727 and smile3 like this.
  3. Started what?
    techguy2727 and smile3 like this.
  4. enough likes yet?
    techguy2727 likes this.
  5. almost:)
    started likes
    smile3 and SparklesFTW like this.
  6. wow... Just... Wow...
    If you mean started the camp, then I wouldn't start until we're all together for it and we discuss the server we'll do it on and where it will be.
    smile3 likes this.
  7. i need 6 more to get a trophie!
    techguy2727 and SparklesFTW like this.
  8. by the way, malicaii is offline.
  9. Guys, I think we should start talking about it now. I'll invite you two to a conversation.
  10. Mathmatically speaking, 0 x 2 is not 2.
    EukkaLyptuzz and SparklesFTW like this.
  11. Guys I think giving ppl likes for no reason it a no go.
    alexschrod and Malicaii12 like this.
  12. So true.
  13. Sure I'd come out and play a little with you guys. However my charger is currently broken and my laptop is the only computer in my house capable of running games. I will, however, be getting a new charger this week. :)
    I vary from servers 1 through 5.
  14. SMP7 Is my home :)
  15. Kk that works, my unban is either tomorrow or Wednesday.
  16. yea about the bans will i get banned if i break the 10th rule? "thou shall have fun"
    techguy2727 likes this.
  17. I doubt it. However, you should always be trying to have fun. There's no other reason to play a server.
    In my opinion, this server's fun even when I'm banned, because I can use the Forums to learn more about the community.
    Malicaii12 likes this.