[HELP] Which EMC Landmarks are best?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by takenID, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. Hey Guys!

    taken here...

    Since JackBiggin ... wait ... Whos JackBiggin?? Well, I'm glad you asked, JackBiggin aka, Stream Team Leader/Mod, has been out for awhile (About 17 Days without a stream!) for irl stuff I presume, so, I had sent in my Stream Team application, but because Jack is out, I can't get it passed. So, I am doing a unoffical EMC Video on YouTube, using ELytra, I am going to fly by with shaders and music and all that jazz all the coolest EMC builds and creations, if you would like ... please ... post your favorite creations below + the SMP they are on, and res #.

    Many thanks,
    Tuq_SolidColor likes this.
  2. If you're interested in getting some frontier footage, the Last Light Outpost on smp7 would be a cool place to take a look. I'd be happy to show you around. I'd recommend Carthaga on smp4 as well. You'd probably have to contact someone on their thread to get a tour. I'm totally biased, but those are some of the coolest outposts you can find around the Empire. (Not that all the others aren't cool! These have been around for awhile and I'm totally not caught up with any new ones. :oops:).
    FadedMartian3 likes this.
  3. Hey! Thanks! I'll check them out, and once I have a confident list of what I am going to use, I'll talk to you about them!
    penfoldex likes this.