Help Me with a Psychology Experiment

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by Ritunn, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. Zebra:
    jumps like a gazelle
    607 likes this.
  2. What I would like to know from everyone is how many of their personality traits you put down out of the 3 you put for the animal.
  3. Ha, interesting!

    2 out of 3. That seems very logical, though, as if you'd make a list with personality traits and had to check every one that'd fit you, everyone would probably check about 60% (a blind estimate of mine, I haven't done any tests), as our personalities are simply very rich and have a lot of different traits.
    Kytula likes this.
  4. Whoops I didnt read the animal part and I wrote some magical being instead :p. None of those traits really relate to me at all
  5. Parakeet (Budgie) - Or simply, bird
    • Agile
    • Smart
    • Graceful
    607 and Luckygreenbird like this.
  6. Hm I was beat to it. The most logical choice...

    • Impenetrable
    • Stable
    • Instinctual
    607 and OmarWrongChat like this.
  7. Hah, I had to look that animal up! Really awesome choice!
  8. Lol I love foxes, but if I had to pick traits I like the most in an animal it's between 3 choices: Deer, Elephant, & Hawk. So..


    -Family oriented

    Edit: read the rest of the post after I posted :p nice experiment!

    I'd say the first 2 for the most part. And I'd like to include the 3rd.. but I think I'm just more curious and interested in learning than I am intelligent lol :p
    607 likes this.
  9. From what I've seen, you're quite intelligent :p
    OmarWrongChat and Kytula like this.

  10. For those of you don't know, this is a Tardigrade, but I know it better as a Water Bear. Not exactly going to win the award for most good looking, yet they are very durable in harsh and even deadly environments.
    OmarWrongChat, Kytula and 607 like this.
  11. lol bump

    The wolf
    • Intelligent
    • Instinctual (?)
    • Committed
    • Cute
    I'd like to think I'm fairly intelligent, but I often do think I'm stupid, so maybe not the first one. If instinctual means acting on impulse, then yeah, I do that a lot - I've told myself that if I think I should do something, I should do it, as your instinct has evolved over millions of years for a reason. I'd also like to believe that I am committed - once I start something, I'll stick it through (I procrastinate starting stuff though). I guess I'm also committed to my friends? I'll let them cry about stuff on my shoulder and listen if they ever need me to do that and try to offer advice (I'm terrible with that second part).
    607 likes this.