HELP ME iPhone Passcode

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by albinopolarbear1, Aug 18, 2012.

  1. I bought something, and I have a problem with it. Should I,
    • A. Go to the place that I bought it from, and ask them, or
    • B. Ask random people on a totally unrelated forum
    P.S. Yesterday, I bought some cheese, and it was too salty. Can you help?
  2. Well It is late I would have liked suggestions
  3. I suggest crackers and bread good sir.
    Also, I can't find ANY type of food that doesn't go with Chocolate or Cheese.
    sneeker134 likes this.
  4. And from getting into your apps and destroying your saves by making everybody hostile to you (in this one game, Galaxy on Fire 2)... -_-
  5. Really? Even Vegomite?
  6. I assure you, toast with a chocolate-based spread such as "Nutella" goes great with vegemite. Although Marmite is far superior, of course.
  7. You know what goes good with bacon? Chocolate covered cheese.
  8. Dwight5273 likes this.
  9. Jelly. Jelly does not go with Cheese or Chocolate. Or tofu.