Help Lower Prices! - The EMC Rupee Campaign!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by emiyl, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. If you ever get around to selling diamonds for 30r each, just holler at me; I will buy just about as many as I can afford. (Just like many, many others would do)
    whatkom likes this.
  2. Prices are determined by supply and demand. Nothing you can do to manipulate that.
  3. I type a lot of long responses to these threads but I always delete them. More knowledge simply endangers my income stream.

    Maybe I'll just post this...

    Players have expectations for prices. These expectations are far too low. These expectations change slowly based on the prices players see in malls and on forums. (That's the influence of the supply and demand aspect.) I'm glad for the current inflation because I believe it makes the prices more fair.

    Test your own expectations....60k for a promo seem like a lot? How quickly do you think a player can earn 60k? A week? A day? An hour?

    (Hint: Most players would not trade a day of work for a cosmetic promo.)
  4. I've been on EMC for 3 years... This is just a new account xD Do /p Tricke
    Also I've ran about 2 malls before :/ I know how this works..
    PenguinDJ likes this.
  5. Actually, the way I'm doing it, the prices will go down.
  6. As someone who has been on EMC for 3 years, I'm sure you also know that you should try to put both of your posts into one as to not double post, as forum rules state that you cannot double post. I wasn't going to mention it but I believe I've seen you do it a couple of times so just a heads up for the future, thanks. :)
    607 likes this.
  7. I think you need to reread this thread lol
    607 and JesusPower2 like this.
  8. It all sounds great but you are making the assumption players will be willing to work at the wage that can be paid based on the lower prices you will be receiving on sales. I'm not against what you are trying to do I just think the market determines the price. But maybe you can make this work. The best of luck to you.
    TuckerAmbr, 607 and xHaro_Der like this.
  9. I don't want to come off mean or anything but I kind of want to save you from putting a lot of time into this.. I'm going to be blunt and say it straight up will not sustainable. Best of luck if you do try it.
    607 and JesusPower2 like this.
  10. Hey, just promise me that you'll message me first when your mall opens so I can have first dibs at the low prices lol
    607, whatkom and xHaro_Der like this.
  11. If you have some crazy powerful method of lowering prices, it is a free market after all, have at it. Just with this thread, it seems like you have some wealthy buyers all lined up for your merchandise. Feel free to start that buy/sell campaign whenever you want ;).
    607 likes this.