Hello, I'm a Slob?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ChinBrokeIt, Jan 31, 2018.

  1. Hi, people call me a Slob. Gotta add the capital S. I hope the people of EMC think I'm more than just a Slob. 😁
  2. welcome Slob
  3. Hey there! Welcome! :)
    Tuqueque, BrenRGerm and MoreMoople like this.
  4. Welcome To EMC
  5. Haha, welcome to the Empire! :)
  6. Welcome! If you need anything just ask :)
  7. Welcome, Slob!
  8. Welcome to EMC Slob! Hope to see you around!

  9. Welcome to EMC!
    Seeing that you already have gold supporter rank, I'll assume that you like it here :p. Nonetheless, enjoy your stay!
    Patr1cV likes this.
  10. Welcome to the Empire! Yeah, well, things may be a bit slobby sometimes but that doesn't mean it can't be fun :D (such bad pun :confused:).

    Hope you're going to have a great time here, be sure to ask if you got problems or stuff confuses you. EMC can be a little tricky to get started with (especially if you're used to "modded up servers") but once you got the hang of it you may very well be stuck for a looong time.
    607 likes this.
  11. Welcome to EMC, smp4 rules
  12. So Sachrock do you know what I need?

    R U P E E S
  13. vote.emc.gs- vote daily on all of the websites to get a decent amount of rupees :p
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  14. What if I want yours? Lol I'm sorry.
    luckycordel, 607 and Sachrock like this.
  15. Welcome slob!
  16. Dear SlobMinecraft,

    Welcome to EMC! I hope you enjoy your stay and come to meet many amazing people (that will hopefully become your friends). If you need anything just ask, because I'll be here :) By the way, Smp8 is 100% the best smp of them all so you should stop by (idk what smp you live on so if you already live there then....lul).

    On another note, what are some of your hobbies? Do you like to read, play video games (such as Overwatch xD), watch anime, create art, etc? ^^ I would love to know what your hobbies are and some of the things you like so we can get along better :3 Let me start off with a few direct questions, what are/is your favourite colour(s)? What is your favourite TV show (or top fav's)? Isn't it rude to bombard people with questions without telling them about yourself xD My favourite colour is black and my favourite TV show is Sherlock. I will only state my hobbies if you're interested.


    607 likes this.
  17. Its not rude. I like blue, shark tank and minecraft xD. Im i need of a friend
    607 and LordessLevy like this.
  18. Welcome to EMC! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Hope to see you around =D
    607 likes this.