Hello Empireminecraft :)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by MrFelixbile, Jan 11, 2014.

  1. Yes, that was very kind of you! Thanks :cool:
    What kind of things can you start? I see you started a liking everything war :D
    607, Equinox_Boss and Gemini9 like this.
  2. Hai. I like custard. My favourite thing to eat with it is Fish Fingers & Custard :3
  3. Hai. Good. I like fish fingers and custard also :3
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. I've been getting lots and lots of alerts every 2 min cause of this :/ but that's still awesome :D
  5. Also tastes good as custard pie and stuff like that :) I wonder how it tastes like on egg tarts
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. nobody else is posting? D:
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  7. Welcome to the Empire, and welcome to SMP9! Hope to see you online soon :D
  8. Thank you very much, amadai :D You too!
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  9. Welcome to EMC!!! I can't wait to see you ingame... but a tutorial book, hmm... I didn't remember that. I'd better go see if I have one. :p Title, my dear custardy-cow? :)
  10. Haha, thanks :3 Yeah, I was looking on forums earlier, and it seems like this tutorial book called "Getting Started" is a new implemented item, and I approve :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. Adopted a font, eh? Nice. :) Make it yours! Though I'm warning you... if you try to make too big a deal out of custard, we will be forced to peacefully convert you to a worshiper of melons. :) We are one. We are many. Melunz!!!
  12. Welcome to awesomeness :)
    Fish fingers and custard ;)
    If ya know what I mean
  13. Eh, I will not be going around throwing custard bowls xD They should so add them in 1.8. Milk, yellow dye and a bowl in the table #Custard
    #Custard if you know what I mean ;)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. Actually, custard seems like just the kind of random dessert that Minecraft would add... simple, tasty... But still, melons would eat it for breakfast. :p
  15. Would be a fun idea to implement :D Hmm, maybe..
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  16. Welcome to the Empire! Where all your dreams come true!*

    *Disclaimer: Not all your dreams may come true.
  17. Haha, thanks! My dream - Mojang add custard!*

    *Disclaimer: Probably not happening.
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. :D Welcome to the Empire! :D
  19. I love doctor who :D

    Rupees? Whatever you want. Tools?
    And you'll learn that I like everything :p
    CommanderCustard likes this.
  20. You think he just started this liking everything war?

    He will learn, he will learn...
    CommanderCustard likes this.