Happy Valentines Day!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by Maxarias, Feb 12, 2013.

  1. how do i do that?
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  2. If you happen to see them in game, as them then and they can do it for you.
    You could also try PM'ing about it.
    Also remember that you can only go over the max number of pages if you redeem them while at the max number.
  3. I hate to be that guy who posts twice about the same thing but i feel like i need to bring more attention to this...

    12r per piece of leather and 10.79r in bulk is imo Way Too Cheap for an infinite stock of leather.
    M4nic_M1ner and Pab10S like this.
  4. I don't mind being that guy. Shop has a reputation for having ridiculously high prices, but also has been said to set a ceiling for item pricing. I also think we should be able to use the prices at Shop as a guide to relative pricing. If that is the case, then many of them need to be adjusted in a way that is consistent and makes sense.

    If you look at an item like Ender Pearls, the price is maybe 50 times what you can buy them for at player shops. Yet you look at something like Saddles which are non-renewable and still expensive, they are only around two or three times the price of a player shop. I'd never consider buying an Ender Pearl at that price, but I might consider a Saddle if I needed one and couldn't find it elsewhere.

    If you look at Yellow dye, 10r isn't a bad price. I think I've seen it at 2 for 5r. But not all dyes should necessarily have the same value. Yellow you can spam using bone meal, Green you have to smelt, Blue you have to mine, Brown grows on Trees. Black dye shouldn't be 10r relative to Yellow, especially now that Squid no longer spawn in Town. I've considered selling Black dye. I'm not sure whether I'd want to sell it for more than 10r, but I currently don't have much choice but to sell it for less.

    Fish are also 10r as I recall. I was buying them for 12r based on another player's shop price until I realized people weren't actually doing any fishing and were filling my chest with Shop bought Fish.

    Lily pads are 9r and non-renewable. Yet I can buy one Vine for about twice that and grow an infinite number from it. Same with Seeds.

    String and Webs are the same price. Even with Silk Touch Shears, Web will never be as common as String. I've actually bought a stack of Web for decoration before the last update.

    Shop prices should be higher than player shops. The prices there should make sense relative to other prices and need to be adjusted to reflect changes in EMC and Minecraft.

    Shop has an infinite supply of items. There shouldn't be any items a player could want to sell where they are put into a position where they have to try and compete with Shop.

    We don't have to get all mathemetician-y about it. KrysyyJane has a shop. Just take her prices and multiply them by 10. I trust that most of them will be more consistent than they are now. If Shop prices generally made some sort of sense, Shop would be a lot more helpful and less of a running gag.
  5. The prices are expensive, but the shop looks so cool! One day I need to explore it when I get bored an have nothing else to do. :)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  6. just wondering but whare can i redeem the things i got at the drop party on smp9?
  7. I love the new shop so much, and everyone says the sphinx is awesome, but I don't know how to get to the sphinx. But the shop is still cool. :cool:
    Sweetie_Pea likes this.
  8. Valentine's Gift? At the SMP9 shop. Voucher? PM an Admin let him know you want to redeem.
  9. The rose's are no longer being brought in the shop, as an FYI.
  10. Looking good :D
  11. nuuuu
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  12. I'll buy one for 2k :)
  13. Thank you for adjusting /shop prices!
    FatAndyTheGreat likes this.
  14. Beautiful...just beautiful.
  15. Thank you for listening :D :D :D
  16. love the new shop
  17. I don't mean to be a Negative Nancy - but I don't like this new shop. It's way too laggy. Even with Optifine and Sign Lag Fix, I get about 1FPS which makes the game literally unplayable while in the shop.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  18. Sounds like you have a serious problem. I go from 50-60 fps to about 30-35. What fps do you normally get?
  19. Omg this looks awesome... too bad I wont see it. Haha, I hope its really good.
  20. I only have optifine out of the two and when I checked it out with Brit, we were just fine, only confused that a wooden door is in Redstone instead of wood or decorations. I didn't think to look at FPS the other day but just tried it now and I have Skype, Chrome and EQ2 going and was at 30FPS then went to /shop and only dropped about 10fps.

    It could depend what you have running and your PC specs.