Happy Holidays - Treasure Hunt

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by LindenNZ, Dec 24, 2021.

  1. Wishing everyone on EMC a safe, happy and
    peaceful holiday period!

    I have dotted some free gift packs around my residences for those who
    feel like doing some treasure hunting.
    There are 12 in total and 3 contain my head.
    >> Just take one per player please!! <<
    (The green shulkers contain my head, the lime do not,
    in case you find a lime one and want to leave it and keep looking.)

    All are on SMP7.
    If you go to my main residence (14284) chests are hidden in the seven locations marked with glow frames and green concrete
    and teleports to all locations are there.

    Two locations are in that residence, two at the Funfair (14218), one each in minigolf and the rainbow coaster (14281), two at my home res (15439), two in Wonderland (14358), and two at the gingerbread house (14359).
    None require parkour or anything unusual to access.

    Have fun!

  2. (If any haven't been found in a week or so I'll post some hints).
    EfficiencyV likes this.
  3. Apparently you can't do [CHOOSE] buy to buy a shulker? I asked and was advised it would work but apparently it isn't, sorry about that. I'll will just change them to access everyone and rely on honesty for not taking more than one. (Unless anyone knows a fix for buying full shulkers?)
    UltiPig and tamraaa like this.
  4. This thread should be under "Public Member Events", not "Community Discussion" :)

    I found them all! Except for one of them in the Wonderland. I traversed as far as the feast table, then gave up.
  5. Fixed it!

    (I wasn't sure if to go in Public Events thread it had to have been checked/approved by staff and as it was all a bit last minute I didn't want to make them busy right before Christmas).
  6. No, doesn't need approval. But this will cause much fewer people to look at your thread now, as they won't expect events to be here. You can report your own thread to ask for it to be moved there.