HAPPY BIFDAY [Pugs giveaway]

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _Paku, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Any number
  2. 28, Happy Birthday, AGAIN :D
  3. Since everyone is making pictures for you plugs, I made this one for you in paint.

    mba2012, jacob5089 and melk73 like this.
  4. Bump cause almost bifday :D
  5. Happeh Bifday jc \o3o/ i made you a drawing in paint:
  6. The winners are....
    For 25k - TheEpic5!
    For 15k- Ahzeriel!
    For 7k - Adderwolf71!

  7. Congratulations winners! And Once again Happy Bifday Jcplugs!
    Jcplugs likes this.
  8. Congratulations to the winners and Happy Birthdays Jc again... May your enemies lose their Car keys tomorrow.
  9. Insert "DIS CONTEST WUZ FIXED JC!!! AHZERIEL IS YO FREN N HE WUN!!!!!!!!!!" :p J/k. Congrats everyone!
  10. Happy bifday! (Spellcheck insists its gif day, bit day, etc. >.>)
  11. I'm Angry about it being rigged (ノ ゜Д゜)ノ ︵ ┻━┻ Jk
    mba2012, jkjkjk182, sonicol1 and 3 others like this.
  12. Aww yis
    Jcplugs likes this.
  13. Yea I lost my Keys this morning what's going on!?!?! :p
  14. I dont know how you do it Theepic5, but you always pick the best numbers:confused: Anyway Congratulations everyone:)
    Jcplugs likes this.
  15. >:)