[Guide] How to (un)lock things on the Empire

Discussion in 'Player Guides, Tips and Tricks' started by ShelLuser, Dec 3, 2017.

  1. Hi gang!

    This guide is sponsored by /v +trade on SMP4; for all your trading needs!

    Also known as 9274

    Although I am making a little bit of fun here there's also truth in this, Skare made this res. not only with the idea to make money, but also to give players a nice opportunity to make some money for themselves as well. He showed us around a bit and I think it's a pretty awesome project.

    And the best feature of them all:

    Seriously though: Skare did really sponsor us, he donated the item frame(s) used in this guide ;)

    ... we now return to our scheduled guide

    So yeah, it has been a while :cool:


    Been very busy in the past months and also didn't really feel motivated for guides, also because a lot has already been shared. But ever since I started playing a bit more I noticed plenty of new(er) players asking the same kinds of questions. Then when Aya suddenly told me that I should consider to make a guide I figured... Why not :)

    Although most players already quickly learn how to give others permissions to do stuff we figured we'd make a guide to cover this anyway. Who knows, you might still learn something new here ;)

    As usual I'm starting with easy examples and work my way up to the more complex features.

    In town

    In town, so on your residence, everything is protected by default. Your chests, your blocks, your signs and even your animals. So this part of the guide will be about unlocking.

    Aya placed a chest, but as you can see I can't open it.

    So how to share things with your friends? Well, the first and easiest trick is to place an access sign. As its name implies this is used to give other players access to whatever is below the sign. It can be a chest, but it can just as easily be a door or a button.

    Just make sure that you place the sign directly above it. Otherwise the system won't be able to recognize it. So:

    Left: Impossible for me to open. Right: Fully accessible.

    Even though the sign on the left is above the chest it's not directly above it. So always make sure to check that the sign is directly on top (above) of a chest.

    Residence flags

    The other option is to use so called flags. No, not the flags which you can buy in the flagshop (though they are pretty cool!) but so called residence flags. These are basically permissions which you can give to other players after which they can "do" stuff on your residence.

    Just be aware that a flag will have an effect on all items on your residence. So:

    Here Aya has given me the so called container flag. In other words: she gave me access to open chests. But this flag applies to all the chests on a residence. So I can open the chests you see here, but I can also open the chests in Aya's hidden storage space (if she had that). So keep that in mind!

    How to set a flag... Everything between <> is mandatory, you need to provide this info. But everything between [] is optional, so you can skip that if you want. | means that you can chose one option out of several other options.

    /res pset <name of player> [<flag> <t|f|r>]

    So: add the name of a player. If you want to you can immediately press enter, then you'll be taken to the so called chest interface. From here you can simply select the flag(s) you want to give the player and then either grant (set to true), revoke (set to false) or remove (reset) them. You use the left mouse button to toggle between grant/revoke (so true or false, and you use the right button to reset a flag to its default value). Hover over a name to see what the flag does, and hover over the permission to see what the current status is:

    Here you can see my previous container flag, and the current state of the fireworks flag

    Another option is to use commands. In that case you need to specify the flag you wish to set and the permission. So: true (give a flag), false (deny a flag) or reset ('remove') which does just that ;)

    So when Aya gave me the container flag I suggested that she'd use: /res pset shelluser container t. When we were done I suggested that she would remove my flag: /res pset shelluser container r, now I no longer had access anymore.

    Another option, but please be careful with this(!), is to set the global flags for a residence. These work the same as the flags mentioned above, but now they will apply to all players. So; if you want to give all players (=everyone on the server) access to your chests (you should normally NOT do this!) then you could use: /res set container true.

    Warning: the only reason I shared the previous command is because I'm using chests as an example throughout this tutorial. But once again: be careful! Global flags are normally only used for other things. For example: you wish to close your residence so you'd use: /res set move f; this would deny everyone access. You get tired with people constantly setting for fireworks: /res set firework f, and then no one can. And so on...

    Residence groups

    If you want to give several players the same kind of flags ("permissions") then you can also use groups. You basically assign one of more flags to a group and then you can add players to that group to give them those flags, or remove them from the group to revoke them again.

    Step one:

    /res gset <name> [<flag> <t|f|r>]

    As you can see it works pretty similar to the examples above. And just like before you can chose if you want to specify the flag(s) in the command or if you want to use the easier chest interface.

    Now, Aya wants to make a group "helpers"; these are players who help her out and therefor they get some flags to do that. So she uses: /res gset helpers container,build t. So basically giving players access to all the chests ("container"), but also permissions to place and break blocks ("build").

    But that's only the first step. Once you made a group you'll also need to add some players.

    Step two:

    /res gadd <group name> <player name>

    So to add me Aya would use: /res gadd helpers shelluser.

    I have the container and build flag, but both were provided because of the 'helpers' group.

    Some other useful commands:
    • /res gdel <groupname> <playername> - Remove a player from a group.
    • /res gremove <groupname> - Removes (deletes) a group.
    • /res default - Reset all the permission flags on a res. to their defaults; useful if you want to start over or remove everything at once.
    You can also use a group name on an access sign. For that to work you need to add #groupname instead of a player name to the sign. So, in this example Aya would use: #helpers as the name on the sign. Note that this means that you don't have to set any flags for the group. Just add players to create the group, place the access sign and you're all set.

    Restrict signs

    Last but not least... Sometimes you may have a residence where a lot of players help you out but you still need a (double) chest for yourself. Or maybe you have a jukebox which you use to play some music but you don't want anyone to grab your records, even though everyone has a container flag.

    In those cases you can also use a restrict sign. It's basically the opposite of the access sign. Just place a sign and use "restrict" on the first line. Now no one other than yourself (and any player who has the admin flag) will be able to access the item under the sign (a chest, jukebox, dropper, etc.)

    And that concludes the permissions for town.

    In the wilderness

    When you go outside town then things are fully reversed. Nothing is protected (generally speaking) and everyone can access whatever they want. So if you place a chest to put some stuff in then be aware that everyone else will also be able to open it. Although stealing is forbidden on the Empire you should still be careful!

    That's why we're going to talk about locking items ;)

    Protected blocks

    EMC has a system called block protection which is used to prevent players from destroying your buildings. Instead of claiming land you basically claim blocks. This is all part of the anti-griefing system, follow the link to learn more about it. In short: if you place certain so called protected blocks then no one other than your friends will be able to access those.

    Here is a full list of all the protected blocks on the Empire.

    But generally speaking: if you have a block which doesn't appear naturally in the wilderness then it's most likely to be protected as soon as you place it. So: granite is a commonly found block in the wilderness. But if you have 4 granite blocks you can make polished granite. And that is an automatically protected block.

    So if I were to place such a block above a chest then no one would be able to open it. Unless you can remove the block:

    I'm using a lot of pictures so I guess I'd better spoiler some less important ones:

    How to craft polished granite, using the recipe book is easiest ;)

    Basic Minecraft mechanics: blocks will prevent a chest from opening

    So how does this work?

    Using the /friends system. If you have players who you often play with then consider adding them as your friends. You do this using: /fr add <name of player>. This will warn you whenever your friend logs onto a server, and it also gives them automatic access to any blocks you place (but you can turn that on or off).

    If you want to know more about the friends system then I suggest you check out the wiki page. The problem is that this system is very complex (it basically sits at the heart of the EMC features) so I won't be covering it here. If I had to explain it I'd be writing a guide inside a guide :D

    I may be persuaded to write a guide about it in the future, but for now lets move on.

    Fun fact: Chests are also protected blocks. But although only your friends can break them, everyone else can still open them.

    Lock signs

    Remember those access signs we used in town? Well, now that we're outside town we no longer have to provide access, instead we need to prevent it ;)

    So another way to do this is by placing a so called lock sign. As before: just place a sign directly above a chest and this time use the word "locked" on the first line. Leave the second line open (your name will be automatically placed here), and you can use the 3rd and 4th lines to specify names of other players who will then also gain access.

    Warning: placing a lock sign will cost you 1,000 rupees. This may sound like a lot of money, but it honestly isn't. Just /vote for the server and you can easily earn 1k every day. If you continue to vote (so: vote every day) you'll even get more awesome rewards (and more money!). Also: if you remove the sign you'll get a 500r refund. So if you clean up after yourselves you'll save money ;)

    I know the example is a bit flawed, but oh well ;)

    First I placed a sign, you can leave out the name if you're not sharing access

    After placing the sign it becomes active, notice the warning though

    There's also a fun trick which you can use. If you add a lock sign and you use @friends instead of any names then you set up a locked chest which only your friends can open. Once again: see /friends (or the previously shared link) for more information about the friends system.

    And there you have it....

    Some tips and tricks to keep your stuff (un)safe in and out of town.
  2. I sponsored 32 frames =P

    EDIT: Did I mention FREE anvil use.
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