[Guide] How to make an End portal in Creative mode

Discussion in 'Player Guides, Tips and Tricks' started by ShelLuser, Mar 28, 2017.

  1. Hi gang!

    As you probably know there are 3 main dimensions in Minecraft. First we have the Overworld which we normally play in, then there's the Nether and finally the End. On the Empire we have luxury to teleport to the Nether, but in vanilla you're going to need portals to get there.

    Left: an End portal, Right: a Nether portal (deactivated).

    Using an End portal is normally quite easy: you simply go out into the wilderness to find one, then repair it with Eyes of Ender and after that the portal will open (careful that you don't fall into the lava!). But how do you set something like this up in Creative?

    I've seen many players on many fora who had a really hard time getting this to work, so I figured... Let's ask for some help and see how this works out. Time for a new guide (it's been a while anyway).

    Let's make an End portal!

    I gave Aya one stack of End portal frames and one stack of Eyes of Ender and she quickly got to work:

    And the end result? Well, a little bit what I expected.... Because while Aya was building the End portal all looked pretty normal, yet the problem started to show itself once she inserted the Eyes:

    And this is exactly what is plaguing many players out there as well... How in the world do you get those Eyes of Ender correctly placed in those portal frames? As you can see for some reason it simply doesn't work correctly, and this can be highly annoying.

    What gives?

    End portal frames look the same, but they're not!

    Although End portal blocks look the same on all sides they're actually not! These blocks also have a front, two sides and a back. So if you place the block sideways then that will also show when you place an Eye of Ender in it: it will display as sideways (as shown above).

    So when Aya was building the first portal she actually placed the blocks with their front facing towards her while she was standing on the side of the portal (as you can also see above).

    The trick here is to stand in the middle of the portal while you're building it. And when you do make sure to place the block on the ground (the block in front of you) and not stacked against each other. Don't worry if this sounds a bit too complex. When in doubt then place some other blocks which you can then use to place the End portal blocks against:

    And if you keep placing End portal blocks against those others then you'll also see that there won't be any problems with firing up the portal anymore:

    Bonus tip: the portal is a block itself!

    Unlike a Nether portal which will deactivate the very moment you destroy the obsidian frame an End portal will actually retain, as you can see here. This allows you to create some pretty weird portal shapes, and even surround the portal with something completely different other than End portal frames.

    Also: if you break one part of a Nether portal (the purple 'veil' itself) then that will also shut down the entire portal, it's the easiest way to do this in Creative. But with an End portal this also doesn't apply: all portal "parts" will remain active until you remove them:

    That's a weird looking End portal ;)

    And there you have it!

    In case you ever had issues with setting up your End portal in creative... this might help you solve that.