Grief Plugin! Anti-grief rollback!!

Discussion in 'Suggestion Box Archives' started by NickkG, Jul 26, 2014.


Would you like to see this on the Empire?

Yes! 13 vote(s) 46.4%
No! 8 vote(s) 28.6%
No, but it's a good idea! 7 vote(s) 25.0%
  1. Log block is a definite no, we already have the ability to log blocks and all the functionality it has.
    As for the other one... Not too sure...

    Prism looks amazing. It might work well if only one person is allowed on EMC at a time. I cannot imagine that it would not cause tps to drop down to like 15 normally.
  2. I am pretty sure this is suggesting a Plugin, which you should not do...
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  3. What do you mean? I put this thread in the "Suggestion box" as this is a suggestion. Nothing wrong with that.
    ObscureGolem likes this.
  4. ObscureGolem likes this.
  5. I personally like CoreProtect out of all of the block-log plugins.
  6. i'm quite happy with the logging that is in act now :) mods already caught griefers twice :p in former times i just got the answer "don't build with expensive blocks, use dirt or cobble" :D

    sure there are some issues that aren't logged, but most griefers are fresh joint players who don't care much where they are playing or griefing. rollback is a nice idea, but at which time stamp? there are hardly any griefings whch cannot be undone easily.

    maybe griefing spawner blocks could be a real issue.
    Pab10S likes this.
  7. Anti grief tool sounds nice, but the tool is grieving your work possible to when things need to be reverted.
  8. Bump!
    ObscureGolem likes this.
  9. Yes sir, that is a bump!

    Again, if the second plugin has the ability to rollback certain chunks to a date before griefers, than something like it would be great.
  10. This idea has been suggested many times, it most likely won't be added due the size of the database it would cause by having so many things logged. Signs used to be logged but they got removed as it became too much of a problem trying to store the location, placer etc.

    As nice as it would be it won't be added. We'll just have to wait until Dragon Tombs is released providing us with claiming in the Frontier
  11. You also can't ban disasters.