Greifing and Theivery on SMP3

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by ajmyers34, Jan 19, 2013.

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  1. Try disassembling a Blaze grinder and Locking the parts every time you are done using it.

    I recently had someone tear one of my Blaze grinders apart in spite of Locked chests being nearby. He said he had been farming Wither Skeletons near there for three days and hadn't seen anyone so rather than do a /p on me or the other players who had chests there, he decided we had abandoned it. Some people think it's some sort of Mad Maxian frontier out there and it's not.
    ajmyers34 and melodytune like this.
  2. Loll nice comparison to mad max series
  3. It seemed like a good fit :)

    I'll tell you, I feel bad for the younger kids on our servers sometimes. I'm glad Krysyy saw the thread and jumped in to handle it. It's sad that many incidents like this probably go unreported because people don't know what to do or think that's just how it is here.

    I'll have been here a year soon and I've probably gotten at least one person banned for each month I've been here for crap like what happened to AJMeyers. I expect every single one of them also rolled a dozen kids before they met their end too.

    As players, we really need to stick together in regards to situations like this. Let people know that it's NOT ok here. We need to teach new players about how to document and report incidents properly so that the bad ones are weeded out.

    I have some Wild/Nether builds I'd love to share with everyone but, like everyone else here I'm scared to, so I only share them with a few I know I can trust. It shouldn't have to be that way.
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