Greifing and Theivery on SMP3

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by ajmyers34, Jan 19, 2013.

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  1. I can imagine quanitities of people laughing right now (Sorry if im being mean)
    jkjkjk182 and southpark347 like this.
  2. Mossy cobble isn't that hard to find. As for the cracked stone, just go back to the stronghold.
  3. Nole972 and southpark347 like this.
  4. Ok ....well everyone has their opinions ...and has chosen to share them here. I put that name up because I literally caught him in the Act !!!!! TO have this location ......about 20 min walk from an OUTPOST .... and to have only one incident in the Months I have been here, OF COURSE its this jerk ! AND ....he had help ! THe amount of items now gone are either stored in the Wild nearby, or are safely back in Town. Too much to be moved, by one person, in that time frame.

    I understand that building in the Wild has this disadvantage ....BUT ... the Server also supports it (building)! I have always expected this to occur, mostly because it is easily visible now on the Live Map. I made this chump clearly aware of the Server policy ...and he fled ....only to return with help . Clearly, not a player(s) that this Server would support. By my estimation would take a single player at least 30 or more inventories to move what was taken. That would be including using the E-chest !

    I expressed my disappointment here as I discovered it. Of course, all things are re-placeable - except for the Stronghold materials - and I suppose that certainly is an option. But many bookcases are in a Stonghold? 2 libraries worth ....I figure at least 4 stacks of them easy is it to replace that now that Leather is required?

    Its not the Stuff .....its the Greifers and the Violations that anger me. But the stuff returned would be nice.
  5. I
    Its not if you already CLEARED THE WHOLE THING OUT ! We're talkin Chests full of it - to be used on my Project

    Certainly ...easy to track in the game as well
  6. Misery... You do know that in the end of the story, you get a typewriter upside the noggin, don't you?
  7. Then maybe you should have locked the chest, now shouldn't have you?
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  8. thats not spongebob....
    sqiggleyjeff likes this.
  9. Sorry but I've heard about half DC of diamonds being stolen before and were never replaced. Sometimes you gotta rebuild with what you got left .
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  10. YOu have an answer for everything ..dont you ? 20k to lock every chest? given the location, I havent had to worry about this ..until now
  11. Come on you guys. Have a bit of compassion. You're treating the victim as a criminal. Any of us who have been in his position know how upsetting it can be.

    I'm a ways out in the Wild on smp3, but I may have some time this afternoon to help you on your project if you're interested, Mr. Meyers.
    Nilex92 and melodytune like this.
  12. Honestly, 20 minutes into the wild isn't too far. People travel for hours to avoid griefings.

    And you'll have to deal with it. Griefers will always be here, but as long as we rebuild and continue to withstand, they'll give up/get banned. Stuff won't be returned. Deal with it. I've lost a stack of diamonds before.
  13. Sometimes locking every chest is what is needed since that feature is coded simply to combat thieves.
    thestar19 and penfoldex like this.
  14. Its 1k per chest and you get 500r back later and would of prevented this
  15. Oops. Do I get partial credit for recognizing the Misery part?
  16. Indeed I do. Its only 1K per chest.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  17. What happened to "Build at your own risk in the wild" ? That is why there is a town for a reason.. to build what you love so they don't get destroyed by the lower class..
  18. Is that you Player X?

    There are plenty of things you can't build in Town. Griefing and stealing are against the rules.

    I don't know how many times I've met up with people with the attitude that if it's not locked down, it's up for grabs and I'm pretty tired of it. If you guys are advocating grief outside of Town, I've been missing out on a lot of fun.
  19. What do you mean you're the only one that happened to find them?
    Mods don't give any items back.
    penfoldex likes this.
  20. Best thing to use: Locked chests.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
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