Goodbye, EMC.

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by dylan_dylan_, Apr 13, 2017.

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  1. How old are you lol

  2. If you report this thread asking to change the title to something, staff will do it for you :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  3. to waste our time

  4. I wouldn't say it's for that reason.

    While some people do come back, not all do, when they say goodbye. Sometimes people have friends or know enough people in the community that they feel they need to make a thread for it, so they don't just disappear out of the blue.While it's sad to see these threads, and while sometimes people do come back after making them, making the thread no longer hold water/be needed, I'd rather see these threads instead of people just leaving and never coming back, without warning or goodbye. Sometimes people want to have a goodbye from a community they loved, but just can't be a part of anymore. Sometimes people just want to warn others.

    ( Also yes, I realize Pork has only been gone a day before coming back, which some people wouldn't say is really a leave, but hey, at least he came back ? I don't know about ya'll but anybody that comes back, whether after a short or long amount of time -- whether it's been a day or a year or many years, I'm gonna welcome back with open arms :). The more members/the more people in the community, the better. )
    ShelLuser, PetezzaDawg and Eviltoade like this.
  5. Also, Pork, if you don't want to keep this thread going/have decided to stay and want to close this thread, just report it to be locked. Welcome back :)
    ShelLuser and Eviltoade like this.
  6. Well, I don't really think this was meant as a "joke" thread, so much as it was a quick change in thought ( because it wasn't "lol jk i got u all" it was more along the lines of "nvm, changed my mind, i want to stay" ). But I get what you mean and understand why the joke ones are frustrating.
  7. If I knew how to change the title of the thread, then I would, but I don't...So I'm not going to.
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