Goldlix - SMP9 Public Gold Farm

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by Crakow, Oct 17, 2015.


Do you like gold?

No 2 vote(s) 5.7%
Yes 23 vote(s) 65.7%
Moo 10 vote(s) 28.6%
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  1. Thanks!
    The gold farm is back up and working! :D
    Fortune_V likes this.
  2. I believe this is the farm I discovered quite some time back. It looks like a ton of work has gone into it since then. Gonna have to drop by & check it out.

    Thanks for all the hard work to everyone envolved!
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  3. Yup, not only have I been there- I have a locked chest there that I totally forgot about! Although, it seems my chest is not in the same area as before, is it possible for someone else to move a locked chest (SS?)?
  4. I also added a cleric for you.

    There is a sign suggesting adding ice to make pigment move faster. This is a myth, ice only helps ITEMS move faster, not mobs. Check out Xisumavoid 's MC myth busting series for the definitive answer.
    Keltezaa and ItsMeWolffpack like this.
  5. Thanks!

    Fortune may have got them moved.
    I thought I put one out there? :confused:
  6. Oops, there was a villager out there already. I just didn't see him the way he was walled in. I put one in the big (now empty) room where he was b4. I thought it might have been a grief. Oh well, now there are 2
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  7. Hello, I saw this thread and came out to see the farm. This is really cool. It is a shame that people damage builds like this. I spent some time collecting gold nuggets and experience and then went home. I did notice that the enchanting table was still missing as noted in the forum so I built one and brought it out today to install it. If only we could install pressure plates that trigger screen shots for random security and just coolness to add to the EMC party slide show.

    Thank you SMP9, I hope you don't mind me using it and pitching in on repairs.

    smp1 res755
    ItsMeWolffpack likes this.
  8. We don't mind at all! Thanks for bringing it out and enjoy the farm!
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