Hello there, 4th giveaway. Well, this is going to be 10k, so good luck guise! No alts Don't spam me making me put your number up If your number is already taken, I'll give you a random one Do not ask me to put any number up for you Don't annoy me *Made font big cause of complaints* 1: Pat2011 2: adsingh 3: B4DMAN5IMON 4: ItsmeMatheus 5: 333Kirby 6: Equinix_boss 7: Minglegold 8: Yankees518 9: Spenser6 /) 10: Penfoldex 11: DragonFlame356 12: alexschrod 13: 607 14: cddm95ace 15: WeirdManiaco 16: nole972 17: Squigglyjeff 18: Matjam360 19: Running_Rino 20: Whitewolfix 21: alex09 22: NINJATILA 23: Fluffinater09 24: BilboBaggins 25: Pab10S 26: twitch1 (YOUR ALIVE) 27: Redwing2000 28: Lukas3226 29: AliceF3 30: Jrm531 31: aCookiegod 32: Kman122000 33: AmusedStew 34: SleepyPK 35: THELEGEND 36: ninjaboy5656 37: Qwerty thing (Joke from old giveaway :3) 38: maask12345 39: TheTrufflehunter 40: Iamfuturetrunks 41: SparerToaster 42: Terr 43: Gabrielrox69 44: Plasma131 45: Jay2a 46: finsup2010 47: KadBoy 48: Ms. Cordial_Pie (Oh well) 49: brickstrike 50: mastermockery 51: GTWgamer 52: HylianNinja 53: rabiesgueniepig 54: Creepincreepers7 55: BrenRGerm 56 57: xI_Like_a_pigx 58 59 60: uglydragon 61: codygraw101 62: Luketseng 63 64 65: Charip 66: HxCami10 67 68 69: 70: Superg64 71: oragamiJoe 72: 72volt 73: Wolfthudnerblade 74: Inuyasha1204 75 76: jacob5089 77: Catwarrior7 78: Jake_Bagby 79: cheesehead88 80 81: jeanzl2000 82 83 84 85: TheMinner333 86 87: iamfuturetrunks 88: markanaijer 89: bitemenow15 90: Fluffinator 91 92: smile3 93 94 95: IronicSwordPlay 96 97 98 99: Chascarillo 100: zombieslayer010 Good luck!
James said that if the number is taken, he'll give you another one. Btw, as an official jamesg003 representative (brothers), I can tell you that as of this moment, he is looking over our sister (if watching pvp videos and turning on the tv for her count as "looking over"), so he can't update it yet.