Woah,People are saying Please for 100rupees... How about I say please 9001 times. Would I have the 900,100rupees? Please?
Bro, Challenge completed. Now, do /r pay gap542 9001 http://pastebin.com/7uDYFc1Q ^^^^ the 9001 please you ordered.
I particularly enjoy contests run by animals of such graceful behavior, and therefore would like to choose the most designated number for a wild animal such as myself, may I please have the lovely number known as thirty. (Please 9001 times, may I please have nine thousand, one rupees) Always remember, pinkies up when drinking tea. Thank you for your time and I hope that you have enjoyed my such fine manners.
Woah, slow down there my fine friend, Gap542, you have not been asked to supply a list of the word 'Please' nine thousand, one times, yet u have instead been asked to simply type, 'Please 9001 times'.
I think What he wanted was a video- Then He would Edit in Numbers for each time you said please- Clearly he stated "say"
May I pretty-as-a-little-pink-piggy please have number 34 reserved for me? Thanks very much Piggy! *oink*