I have used this thing since I started playing EMC. Its well hidden also, about 3k blocks out. Ermm... Theirs and enchanting room there, loads of random chests with minerals and such. Theres a big cave on the way to it, and slimes spawn there occasionaly. So, I have decided to give it away. Why give it away you ask? I wanted to give it away so someone could get enough uses out of it as I did. Are you trolling us? No, not this time. Will you show me to it if I win? Totally, I will show it to you as many times as you want. Does anybody else know about the grinder? 2 people, but I told them to stay away. ( The builder and one of my friends ). The builder doesn't come on anymore so no worries my friends. 1. DosRNice 2. JackBiggin2 3. Biscuitboy5396 4. TerryDaTerrorist 5. Lameidl 6. Gap542 7. Mikeguy2225 8. Pab10S 9. YOU12MAEC 10. Diamond_viper11 11. Chickeneer 12. Killerbyte12 13. KingofKraft13 14. Gnyctk 15. IamSaj 16. Nole972 17. Amazin_Swordfish 18. Torian42 19. BobTheTomato9798 20. CreppaNinga235 21. Ninjaboy5656 22. PAVI259 23. xoluss 24. Alex09 25. Pengw7n 26. Qwerty189 27. Orlandont 28. Pumpkyn 29. Pat2011 30. WolfThunderblade 31. Charip 32. TheSpyPie 33. Penfoldx 34. SpareToaster 35. RepublicKnight 36. Coffe_bullet 37. oidgod 38. ImParanoid 39. Cam14868674 40. Equinox_Boss 42. Yankees518 ( yes I skipped 41, but who cares. )