[Giveaway] Everything I own

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Mannertink, Dec 4, 2013.

  1. Can I get 95 please?
  2. To help everyone with picking a number, I have looked through all the post, gathering all numbers left.

    The numbers left to pick from are:

    I hope I helped you guys a bit ;)
    Good luck everyone with the raffle!
    607 and NetherWorld666 like this.
  3. v mind forgot i in this one already...
  4. i will have 65 i gess
  5. 59 please. If not, 74. If not, 85.
    Sad to see you go. :( Wish you could stay.
  6. Okay, so, apparently all numbers are taken now
  7. I have 94 please and thank you.:(
  8. ?
  9. I will choose 71 then. :p
  10. I'm pretty sure no numbers are left to choose.
    607 and bemvino87 like this.
  11. That is correct, there are no more numbers available. I have edited the OP so that the final list of entrants is up there, if you are not on it, it means your number was taken. Not going to expand it any more, so I'm sorry if you didn't make it in :(
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  12. Edited OP to show winners! Congratulations, guys! Thanks to everyone who participated :)
  13. Congrats to all the winners :)
  14. I would appreciate 54.