giant poster thingies

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Spectral_King, Dec 14, 2012.

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  1. Instant Noddle eating Pandas are relevant everywhere.
  2. Dont worry we all got things we dont like, like i dont like dirt, you give your opinion and the others are just saying their opinions you just have to accept and the others have to accept yours too, but any one can do anything in their res (without breaking any rule) maybe if u move to another res :/
    britbrit3197 likes this.
  3. I agree with panda you offended everyone with what you said. you should reword what you say.
    you pretty much said pixel art is ugly and dirt looks way better.

    Im sure Mojang did not create minecraft so people could JUST build houses but he made it for everyone to do their own "thing" with. If you have a problem with something your neighbor is doing just move your res. but i assure you there will always be something that will offend you on someones res.
  4. Fine then... But it seems you arn't enjoying this server and its creatiion. Please read this...

    Thou Shalt Have Fun

    The Empire is all about having fun. Enjoy yourself! If you are not having fun you will be permanently banned… just kidding. Seriously though, if you’re not having fun while in the Empire you might want to ask yourself why you’re spending your valuable time here. Often, if you’re not having fun it just means you need a break. Go do something else for a while and then come back. There is no excuse for boredom in the Empire, and boredom is no excuse for doing stupid things.
  5. Go ahead and swear four times on the server, see where that gets you...
    battmeghs and PandasEatRamen like this.
  6. Oh hey, I just found an old pic of mine and my neighbor's res from live map:
    mba2012 likes this.
  7. i been playing on empire minecraft for a while, and NOTHING has bothered me except that, and ill be honest, i dont HATE it, i dont hate anything or anyone.. i just dont like it in minecraft :-p. and if people get offended just because of the way i word things.. life is going to suck for them all up untill the day they die.
  8. So let me get this straight. Because of my wool art i should have to be secluded from everyone else on a separate server?

    This is really making me think of something that happen in the 1940's -.-
    mba2012 likes this.
  9. Every single time I read your posts, this is what I see:

    There are people in here who post their opinions who don't get this much flack because they word their posts properly. They don't say "ERMAGERD GUIZE DESE PIXL URTZ SUXXORZ MAD ASPRIN YO! DEY NEED DEY OWN ZERVER CUZ!" And you are the first to get butthurt over someone's pixel art.

    If that's the case avoid Mine, Brit's, MumboJumbo's, Dejaja's, Scene_Muffin's, sonicol1's, battmegh's, kryssyjane's res and I'm sure there are countless others that I cannot name atm.
  10. are you of the african american ethnic persuasion? no? oh.. no idea what your talking about... :)
  11. mainly cuz there are soo many
  12. Even if she was:
    6. Thou Shalt Be Respectful And Tolerant Of Race, Ethnicity, Religion, Gender, And Sexual Orientation

    Racial, ethnic, religious, and sexual harassment (including harassment of homosexuals), and hate speech, will not be tolerated.
    sonicol1 likes this.
  13. See, it's posts like that, don't be rude.
    battmeghs likes this.
  14. first of all, the fact you actually took the time to write it like that, amazes me. and i didnt get "butthurt" if i did, i probolly wouldve been acting like a 12 year old spoiled brat who would be demanding the guy remove the art.

    i did not demand or ask anyone to remove there art did i? all ive done is say i dont like it.
  15. Next thing you know, you'll want paintings banned too.
    battmeghs likes this.
  16. that was the first time i actually did anything close to "rude" and it was in a complete joking manner, and the only reason i did so in the first place was 'cause her or his comment reminded me of MIB 3 when Agent J got pulled over by the two white cops. (go watch it)
  17. That is a steriotype, you are basically saying that all 12 year olds are spoiled brats. Were you a spoiled brat when you were 12?
    mba2012 likes this.
  18. No but you were asking if there was a way you could move away from it like it was someone with a plague. If you don't like pixel art then you are gonna have a bad time. It's on every server.
    battmeghs likes this.
  19. i have no idea what you just said.
    PandasEatRamen and mba2012 like this.
  20. I think I will unwatch this thread.
    battmeghs likes this.
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