giant poster thingies

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Spectral_King, Dec 14, 2012.

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  1. If there were a Lego game, it would be exactly the same as Minecraft.
    mba2012 and battmeghs like this.
  2. The only time I think you should surround your res is if you want to hide something while building it.

    People consider Minecraft an art. Look at all the big city maps, all the big adventure maps, all the big art maps, on PlanetMinecraft. All of those can be considered art, just like wool art.
    mba2012 and battmeghs like this.
  3. So going off of how you said that things like pixel art should be regulated, are you suggesting that the staff set a limit on what can and cannot be built in town? As I said before, Town is a place for building whatever you can dream up, and even more importantly that's what the whole game is about.
    mba2012 and battmeghs like this.
  4. no, i mean to give them there own world or something, let them build pixal. "art" as far as the eye can see for all i care. im not trying to say people CANT build w/e they want. im just saying that it just ruins the feeling for me, thats all i been trying to say before everyone got all offended . (still trying to figure out how i managed thaat)
  5. britbrit3197 and mba2012 like this.
  6. If you would like to move your res, type /res unclaim. This will delete your lot and EVERYTHING ON IT and allow you to choose another lot to claim. Hopefully this will solve your problem.
    mba2012 and PandasEatRamen like this.
  7. He wasn't. He had everything built, it was nice and neat. He then made a dirt fortress in the sky and surrounded the whole place in dirt, complete with a giant cobble gen on top.
  8. Should we give all the shops there own world, because to some people, shops ruined Minecraft.
    britbrit3197, battmeghs and mba2012 like this.
  9. its the smart ass replys like that are whats not needed
  10. As I said to me minecraft is about "building" things, whether it be art or a house/restaurant. I have 3D pixel art i live in and i even created PandasEatramens house on the same basis I do with wool art.

    In fact when people build casinos or restaurants it doesn't impress me I could build a 3x3 dirt house and call it a casino.
    battmeghs and HylianNinja like this.
  11. I'm not a donkey...
    battmeghs, mba2012 and britbrit3197 like this.
  12. Again...that's what the Town world is for: building anything you can think of in a protected environment, separate from the normal Minecraft world that is the Wilderness. Wouldn't it seem a little excessive to have Town, Wilderness, and Pixel Art?
  13. Don't you even...
    Oh yes you are....
    battmeghs and britbrit3197 like this.
  14. Well gee, lets take a look back shall we?
  15. first of all, ALL I WAS... and i do mean WAS way before yall made this a big deal and got offended, i WAS trying to give my opinion; which is typically a good thing. everyones entitled to their own opinions. and appearentally i was wrong when i thought giving my opinion would start a conversation not a damn debate.

    and to everyones whose posted their pixals.... arts. CONGRATS!! your all skilled. id give ya $5 bucks to each of yall if i could.
  16. what was the point in quoting everything i said? do you have nothing to actually say, but you just wanted to be a part of this?
  17. Welcome to the internet, where men are men, women are men, little kids are FBI agents, and debates/flame wars are everywhere.
    DogsRNice, battmeghs and britbrit3197 like this.
  18. Please... I'm sure you had to go through the tutorial.
    Also, just to remind you, some of the commandments are:

    Thou Shalt Not Use Excessively Foul Language

    Thou Shalt Not Be Rude

    Thou Shalt Not Be a Pain In The Chat
    Do not beg for items or residence permissions, and do not expect the staff or other players to answer all your questions; do not be demanding; do not ask to become a moderator, do not ask to be teleported, and do not advertise other servers in the chat. If you come on the server just to advertize another server you will be banned permanently without warning.
  19. You wanted to know how you offended everyone, I showed you. I've been posting in this thread since your first page.
    battmeghs likes this.
  20. i didnt break any of those. if i used any foul language it was 1-3 or maybe even 4 words.. thats not "Excessive"
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