Getting kinda tired of these ads

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by _REMOVED_8827, Jun 16, 2012.

  1. Manglex and thecontroller fixed the problem for me. I would advise anyone who is annoyed by the ads to follow their solutions.
    Manglex likes this.

    I believe this is in order for your post

    EDIT: Oh..... My...... God........ I GOT A LIKE FROM ICC!!!!! That's both admins now baby! WOOOOT
    marknaaijer, Manglex and IcecreamCow like this.
  3. I like how you refer to it as a problem, as if something is wrong with the site.
  4. Yes, this is a mature server, but kids will always get in. That's why this is a problem.
    Frodomann1 likes this.
  5. I agree. I like the ads, and i sometimes click on them (as long as it is a trusty site) just to give the Empire some support:)
  6. idc about ads, untill i click on them. *clicks on sexy arab girls ad* JEEZUS
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  7. TBH your a leech, you don't pay to support the server and now you have blocked the little trickle of revenue you did add... make's me think why do I bother supporting the server....?

    ICC imo blocking the add's should be against the rules
    jkjkjk182 and PThagaard like this.
  8. Wise words.
  9. In my opinion Minecraft servers are made to be free. If YOU feel like you are better than me because you pay money every month than you are a sad, sad person. Empire minecraft is a server that does not make you pay, nor does it even give people who donate ludicrous permissions like some servers do. ALSO I have made videos that have greatly helped EMC and even drawn new members that have stayed on the server. Before you try and insult me try and get off your little ego and consider all that I and other non-paying members have done for this server.
  10. Its not "free".

    EMC is making it "without cost for the consumer" by selling advertisings.

    Your paying to EMC by having thoose advertisments on the forums.

    Facebook aint free either - you just dont pay money for it.
  11. Please link me to the official FREE Mojang server - I would love to play on the server that is made to be free.
  12. You don't want to know the ads I get when I have adblock off.
  13. In the perfect world, this would be awesome. Unfortunately, you have some thing I'm sure you'll learn in business class someday. I hope they still have business classes.
    Happyshopper likes this.
  14. The amount of money being made by me viewing ads is so insignificant that I do not feel that it is worth it to have my mind assaulted with ads for inappropriate things. I am sure JustinGuy and ICC do not harbor any grudges towards me for not wanting to be constantly bombarded with unfit advertisements.
  15. Also, we'd like to say, it's greatly appreciated to those that choose to view the ads and click on them (ONLY WHEN THEY APPEAL TO YOU, PLEASE). Even though it is little, every little bit helps. The website and servers cost a lot each month and we couldn't do it without all of you.

    At the same time, we don't require those who do not wish to help in that way to do so. It's their choice, and we won't ever make it mandatory.
    PThagaard and Frodomann1 like this.
  16. I am saying that they should be free for the user. Privileged donors are not a problem. But people who think that they are better than other people if they donate make me mad. There are almost no servers that charge you money just to play.
    SleepyPK likes this.
  17. Guys what he's really saying is

  18. I wouldn't have an issue for it if I didn't have to see half-naked woman on the side of my minecraft posts. I now have to keep my little brother off this site in case he sees something that he shouldn't.
  19. Haha! I'm saying the exact opposite of this, lol. Over clicking on ads would be bad, not good for us. Google has rules when it comes to people clicking JUST to click. It's not fair for them or the paying advertiser.