[Gaming] Roblox

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by TetraClap, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. plantchant
  2. My roblox acount is dystroyer5507 if you to know ;)
  3. You could say I'm pretty bad at PvP of any sort xD

    Friends: 1,471
    Friends Invited: 0
    Forum Posts: 0
    Place Visits: 9
    Knockouts: 1,087
    Wipeouts: 11,063
    Highest Ever Voting Accuracy:
  4. Friends:

  5. kyle12cu1 likes this.
  6. Well, that's a good thing, right? Also, I've never really seen those immature people:p I also never played war games actually :rolleyes: The only one I've seen failing really badly at roblox is myself >.< Back when I started I was not as good at English as I am now ;)
  7. Does anyone know what your "highest ever voting accuracy" on the statistics page means?
  8. Every so often Roblox will host a competition where players have to build a place based on a certain thing. You can vote on the places and stuff, if the place you voted for gets a high winning spot then your accuracy goes up. It stays at 50% if you've never voted
  9. Not very many place visits or friends....but yeah....
    607 likes this.
  10. I play roblox too!
  11. In my opinion that are many friends actually:p I don't know that many people who play roblox
  12. Yeah, they're just people that I know irl or can trust, and of course those famous people that have important status messages :p
    607 likes this.
  13. I kept friends as people who i know, knew or am good firneds with. For ex. ScorpianII was a good friend of mine who is still semi stuck in fame lol with his carting place.i tend to stalk those players on my list lol