Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by _Ziip, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. a large army of 5?
    607 likes this.
  2. Village Name: Romanis
    Village Status: Resistance (Please elaborate on this further)
    Population: 45
    Other: Romanees are excellent assassins. They excel at hand to hand combat and stealth technology and methods. They culture a variety of poisonous plants. They are also rumored to know a thing or two about both chemical, and biological warfare.
    Area: Romanis is an isolated island in the Sea of Karundule. They deal with invaders harshly, and have no mercy. They are underground with walls protecting their entrance which have only been breached once. And those people all mysteriously died in a form of plagued that wiped their village out.
  3. Village Name:Seedling
    Village Status: Neutral
    Other: Only water source in the entire desert.They use science as a weapon.Consatantly developing new weapons.
    Area: Desert
  4. Romanees explore the surrounding area and find a lot of Mithril ore.
  5. letsstart world war III:
    Chassyland and Romanis have a large fight, and many of theyre allys come to help.
  6. The 5 of our citizens drill up to the surface, fly over candyland, and drop bombs
  7. Yes, Yes indeed.
    The 5 citizens are giant, harry beasts that are very strong.
    607 likes this.
  8. I ask Candyland for some candy and my evil minions throw exploding goat cheese wheels towards Romanis town hall.
  9. Village Name: SwedCity
    Village Status: (Hostile, Neutral, Resistance) Neutral (Peaceful?)
    Population: (50-75) 75
    Other: (Not op) They all love games, candy and snow.
    aeria: (plains, lakes, raviens) The village is at the very bottom of a large ravine.

    SwedCity wishes to ally with CandyLand in order to produce more candy. :)
  10. Chassyland wants to have some pizza with Swedcity
  11. YourMom wants to ally with Chassyland.
  12. SwedCity loves pizza and would love to have some with Chassyland!
  13. Of course!
    AlexHallon likes this.
  14. The Imurgo want to ally everyone :D
  15. Chassyland says Nope and sends a giant exploding cheese as a present.
    607 likes this.
  16. Imurgo say thanks for the cheese and put it into our ravine for storage
    607 likes this.
  17. Candyland hides in their underground bunker, and when the attack is over, they drill holes into the earth, and drop lava buckets down them.
    We oblige. Hope you like jelly beans and chocolate.
  18. Yay! om nom nom *burp*
  19. The cheese was supposed to explode :/
    607 likes this.
  20. We accept.