[Game] The Riddle Factory!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BobTheTomato9798, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. The lamp y would you need the stove and candle if you had a lamp
  2. the match. I've heard that one before
  3. Correct ^^
  4. ok whats your riddle
  5. Truffle, PICK YO RIDDLE. And guys, stop using sites. Besides the fact it is unfair, it also ruins the fun, since some, me included, are not using the site to search what riddle to use. And what skill does it take to search it up?
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  6. Didn't use a site. I used to have a joke book with that one in it :p
  7. Which is fine with me.
  8. thirty-three is eleven. eleven is six. six is three. three is five. five is four, and four is the ultimate number.
  9. I meant whoever stated they had used one. And I just know alot of riddles. Mainly from spending time on long trips.
  10. Truffle. You have to tell us what to solve/ figure out. XD
    BobTheTomato9798 likes this.
  11. Haha truffle I know that one. 12 has 6 letters, 6 has 3 letters, 3 has 5 letters, and 5 has 4 letters, and 4 is cosmic
  12. correct. we really like switching back and forth :p
  13. Grr I've got a great riddle
  14. :p

    It's more powerful than God.
    It's more evil than the devil.
    The poor have it.
    The rich need it.
    If you eat it, you'll die.
    What is it?
  15. Um...

  16. Yup. Sneekers turn!
  17. Crap. I was actually gonna do that riddle when it was MY turn. -.-

    Fisherman are on island. They have a truck, with gasoline, and they drove it to the other side, without using any sort of bridge or tunnel. How did they do it?
  18. is there more to the riddle it doesn't really make much sense besides them just driving across the island using a road or something
  19. That actually confused me