[Game] The Riddle Factory!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by BobTheTomato9798, Jul 18, 2012.

  1. A shirt?
    KingRager likes this.
  2. Corrrect.
    I was thinking of a sweater but...
  3. Ok... Sorry about the delay on this everybody

    Riddle me this.
    What goes up White
    And Comes down Yellow and White?
  4. a egg :D
    chickeneer likes this.
  5. That is very correct
  6. i heard that ages ago :D

    Me Riddle Is:
    A man rides into a town on Friday, he stays 3 nights and leaves on Friday! how does he do it?
  7. He stayed more days...
  8. Th
    The horse's name is Friday.
  9. True :D correct for you, next!! XD
  10. Sally has 1 icecube. Tim has 10 apples. How many pancakes can they make on the roof?
  11. oh, my heart goes out to the people who died or lost family or friends
  12. Me too. But thats not the correct answer.
  13. wrong quote :/
  14. Purple cus aliens dont wear hats XD guessing a answer maybe aliens do dunno :D
  15. He got it first. I think......
  16. I didn't get that one... :S
  17. i found a video on it also i saw it on an ifunny before too i think
  18. Next riddle! :)
  19. i will let
    have a go :D