Frozen Slime Farm

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ForeverMaster, Apr 13, 2014.

  1. I don't have time to fix that.
    If I meet a Mojang member, I would blame Notch for creating the destructive creeper over this. They restrict on what we can build in Survival Mode, like we can't have a scary mansion without having monsters in them.

    As a member of the EMC Build Team, I a got more important job to do and that's to build a new scene for the tutorial world.
    This seems like too much for me between public build errors, building a house plot for Ark and the new tutorial. One person can't do all of these tasks at once. They will have to prioritize on the more important ones or do them in an organized way.
  2. can we just have somebody put tons of glowstone or torches around?
  3. I don't prefer to have permanent torches exposed to rainfall because in reality, they would be extinguished.
    Glowstone alone wouldn't fit with the environment around the outpost's biome. Instead, I put either light blue or cyan stained glass over it which blend more with the blue-green grass.
  4. well as long as you keep the area unlit people are going to keep dying and damaging your build accidentally. but do as you wish i suppose
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  5. I significantly increased the outside lighting of the Slime Farm. This should reduce player death risks. As long as visitors have food and don't set their Player Difficulty above the default (5), they should be fine.;)
    Sorry if viewers were discouraged earlier.
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  6. I recommend using the mod MobSpawnerHighlighter -> the only way to get something really save, IMHO
  7. What does it do?
  8. hmm:
    MobSpawner: A Spawner of Mobs
    Highligher: A locator or indicator.

    Hope this helps! :cool:
    kissthenerd and PenguinDJ like this.
  9. It marks all spots a mob can potentially spawn. Look it up with google.
  10. But can't you just use debug mode?
  11. If I am correct, the only info from the debug screen useful for this would be the light level. That would mean you had to stand on each block/surface to check it. I did it like this before and thought I had secured the area. Than came back later with the above mentioned mod and was surprised to still find many possible spawn locations. Using the mod is much easier and safer (if you know how to use mods ;))
    607 likes this.
  12. This is a glorious farm! I am utilizing it now, Thank you so much!!!!!!!
  13. Good news! I have portal links to the slime farm which allow you to enter/exit about 1/8 of the distance. Instructions are in the first post of this thread.:cool:
    607 likes this.
  14. I used it last night and it's glorious. Well done.
    Byeforeverthe2nd likes this.
  15. Yeah, we creepers just want a hug :c
  16. Someone posted 6 minutes ago xD no need for a bump
    Ark_Warrior1 likes this.
  17. What are the coordinates for the nether portal (in the nether)?

  18. When you reach the narrow nether tunnel's exit, when approaching towards the portal network, the portals' destinations are labelled with a sign.

    You could also do a little math:
    'Coords is short for coordinates.
    x.netherCoords = x.overworldCoords/8
    Z.netherCoords = z.overworldCoords/8

    *If x.netherCoords.Integer And/Or z.netherCoords.Integer = False
    Then If x.netherCoords.DecimalPlace AND/OR z.netherCoords.DecimalPlace Is > 5
    Then x.netherCoords.Integer And/Or z.netherCoords.Integer = +1
    porphos likes this.