Frontier Strongholds

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Insanity42, Dec 3, 2017.

  1. I've been reading a few threads on Strongholds on EMC and believe there are 3 Strongholds per SMP Frontier. Sounds like one is always close to the center EMC outpost. Have all been found for each? Is it possible one may be found a long ways out from any EMC outpost?
  2. All strongholds in the frontier have been found years ago. There was a thread that listed the locations. As for the location, you have to ask people who know.
  3. Thanks, just was curious if I could possibly find one far out or not.
  4. I'm not sure about their general locations, but I know if the nearest is over 5000 blocks away when you try to track them with an Eye of Ender, it will tell you.
  5. I have coordinates for one, I just wasn't sure if there were any currently undiscovered.
  6. EMC has custom placed some Strongholds into the Frontier as we lost the metadata about where the old ones were and had to custom record the new ones locations.

    But yes this was years ago, so highly unlikely any exists untouched.

    Wastelands is your better bet after a reset
  7. Well, there's a lot more to strongholds though I can't tell for sure how much certain aspects apply to EMC due to the custom placement, as mentioned by Aikar above.

    Thing is: in previous versions of the game there was a very small limit on the amount of strongholds which could generate, that has been raised over time to the current 128 which we now have. Strongholds roughly spawn within a maximum radius of approx. 25k blocks based around the world center.

    Another aspect is that there are still unexplored areas in the Frontier, which means chunks that haven't generated yet. Once they are generated new areas will form and new structures could also be generated. The first outpost I became a part of, Regen, long existed before ocean monuments were a thing. And guess what? The people behind Regen managed to build one heck of a guardian farm. Simply by going further out and generating new terrain which eventually resulted in the creation of an ocean monument.

    So it should be theoretically possible to find a stronghold further out, if you can find unexplored terrain within the 25k radius of the world spawn. Whether that's also the case is something I don't know for sure. I do know that there are still plenty of unexplored areas within several Frontiers which easily lie within the maximum generation distance. On SMP9 the first large "black spots" begin to appear around 20k out, some even much closer.

    On other servers, SMP3 for example, I can find huge black areas well within a 10k limit. Which could indicate a lot of unexplored land, so also a lot of terrain which hasn't been generated yet.

    Of course there's a flaw with my theory. Just because the livemap shows an area is black doesn't necessarily mean that it hasn't been explored. Basically all that tells you is that no one has build or 'done' something there, which then caused the map to update.

    Even so... purely theoretical its not totally impossible to find a stronghold out there. But your chances are very slim.
    JesusPower2 likes this.
  8. So you're saying there's a chance....?
  9. Insanity42 likes this.
  10. I found one on smp6 a little over a yearish ago untouched but that has changed now. so it is possible I should point out it took a few months to find
  11. A very slim one, but still a chance, yah.
  12. Good information from ShelLuser here.

    I'll add that strongholds could exist even in explored areas on the livemap, if those areas were explored AFTER the stronghold limits were increased. Someone might have passed by leaving the stronghold untouched underground.

    A quest to discover a stronghold is not an easy one. I do not recommend it. However, in case you are set on finding one, I will hand you a gem from the wiki description which is often overlooked:
    "The strongholds are generated at roughly equal angles from the center point of the world..."

    If you know the location of one, it can greatly narrow the search for others.
    ShelLuser likes this.