Frontier Friendly Spawner Searching

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by Qwyxzl, Apr 20, 2017.

  1. Screenshot summarizes my meaning:

    I eventually want to find a Zombie spawner too. Alternatively, I am willing to make friends with a group that owns an existing spawn trap setup. Or just make friends in general.
  2. embed
    TomvanWijnen likes this.
  3. Check smp7 north west outpost, go ~40 blocks west. There is a zombie or skele spawner on the surface of the desert locked in my name you can build on. Make sure you have /buildmode ENABLED at all times when building. glhf :)
    ShelLuser likes this.
  4. I know you said Frontier, but I don't want to assume your purpose. Is this for making something of your own or just getting access to a grinder?

    Because if it's a zombie / skeleton grinder you're after then /waste e on SMP2 can help. Go there, walk straight out and you'll come across a brick road path. Follow it (go left) and look immediately on your left again. There's a staircase down towards the grinders.

    If it's about gaining XP or other stuff then /wild n on SMP8 is a brilliant place to visit :cool:

    And to answer your question:

    You have no choice but to do it the old fashioned way. As to the rules: it's not forbidden to mine in the Frontier, but it's obviously also not appreciated when you start mining in places which are not yours (think areas which are part of an established outpost).


    You need to be at least 5,000 blocks out from an official EMC outpost before you can establish. It may also not be 3,000 close to an already visually established base (as in: something build for everyone to see).

    Meaning that you're pretty safe within those regions around the outpost.

    But bottom line: the only way to find those is the old fashioned way. Digging, a little bit of mining and a good dose of luck.
  5. /waste sw on smp6, then walk west/down, and follow the sign to the north for a skeleton grinder.

    /wnether sw on smp5, walk north like 50 blocks for a blaze grinder.