[FREE TO USE] Enderman XP Farm!!!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Gibabyte, Jun 30, 2013.


What server should this be on?

SMP 1 13 vote(s) 16.9%
SMP 2 18 vote(s) 23.4%
SMP 3 6 vote(s) 7.8%
SMP 4 1 vote(s) 1.3%
SMP 5 5 vote(s) 6.5%
SMP 6 22 vote(s) 28.6%
SMP 7 3 vote(s) 3.9%
SMP 8 1 vote(s) 1.3%
SMP 9 8 vote(s) 10.4%
  1. What slabs do you need, because if it's stone, I got it.
  2. Hello. Quequay speaking. Not really. It's someone's alt. I would like to clarify that I will be temporarily claiming a residence for the sake of Item transport. I will be the one transporting Items tomorrow. Thank you for your time!
  3. Id love to help supply pistons and blocks and things
  4. I guess I could use about a stack of hoppers to pick up the pearls, but no pistons needed.
  5. ok cool ill work on it.
  6. SMP 9 we are always up there with SMP 1 with the most people constantly on. Also being your home server doesn't hurt either.
    Btw, thanks for doing this no matter what server it's on. :D
  7. smp2 plox
  8. You guys realize SMP9 already has a huge enderman grinder - right? No I won't tell you where it is because I don't want it griefed but SMP9 definitely doesn't need one..
  9. Smp6! Smp6! Lonliest server ever! We need players!
    rock00888 likes this.
  10. We are currently tied with smp2, May our odds be in favor.
    boozle628 and Choongjae like this.
  11. Am i too late? to say SMP9?
  12. I think we too late dude!
  13. There you go, I'm from 2 and I went with 6 ;)
    Choongjae likes this.
  14. Good choice on smp6, not many people there have the urge to do anything (especially grief) on that server.
  15. ....
  16. Not you Choongjae :)
  17. You calling us lazy?
  18. Why not build one on every server? If enough people donate it should be possible.