[FORUM GAME] War Of The Planets!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Grenge-XX-234 STATUS report:

    Cities: Grengetopia, Space outpost (Large Atrium Spacestation), Redlantern
    Military: 1,003,457
    weapons: Nuclear, large planetary shields, Ray weapons, and WOMS
  2. Cinnabar sends a 'v at Grenge-XX-234. If you see it, you freeze. It's like Medusa.
  3. All cites on Grenge have been bombed by atomic bombs. Army barracks destroyed on Grenge. Hospitals bombed.
  4. Cinnabar attack with an Adminium Bomb on Grenge-XX-234.
  5. Grenge WAR report:

    Large military factories are moved 80 miles underground for safety
    Space outpost traveling intercepting various battleships
  6. You don't want to mess with Cinnabar. When killed, an EMP burst breaks Robotics planets, and it explodes in a fireball, destroying Organic planets. I gave Q73F-3JS9 a Water Coat to prevent any fire- based attacks.
  7. Accepts water coat and installs on planet. Bunker bombs blasting miles underground are sent to Grenge.
  8. Godmoding..
    nfell2009 likes this.
  9. Cinnabar's Adminuim Bomb destroys most of Grenge-XX-234. I also sent in a Carbon Droid to shut down the reactors.
  10. Cinnabar uses Poisonpowder on Grenge-XX-234.
  11. Burger gun destroys all active threats
  12. Actually, I found uranium fields on my planet and used them to make atomic bombs. Also, workers can disappear by many means.
  13. Seriously! three posts for every one? one for one doctah godmode!
  14. Wishes to end war on Grenge. This will not end well for anyone.
  15. Cinnabar installs Water Coat, and EMP device. Our bots are immune to EMP's.
  16. Bots cannot be immune to EMP. It is not possible.
  17. Grenge is destroyed moves to Space outpost (Bringing 5,000,000 cheese burgers with it)
  18. Sends relief drones to Grenge. Sends peace treaty to Grenge and apologizes. Asks cinnabar to end war also.
  19. Cinnabar PM's Grenge-XX-234 a peace treaty. Check your PM's.
  20. Cinnabar blows up our EMP device.