[Forum Game] The ^ > v Game

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Lacronton, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. ^ is quite polite

    < Is not so polite

    v screams obsenities in traffic
  2. ^ can drive
    < Can't Drive
    v Likes poptarts
    Gawadrolt likes this.
  3. ^ is ruler of the skeletons
    < does not like witches
    v says <skeleton noise> all the time
  4. ^ Says *Insert swear here* all the time
    > Says *Insert Sez here* All the time
    v Swags
  5. ^ needs help
    > is excited to see Nony on Friday!
    v 67.28% chance of being a human
    607 likes this.
  6. ^ Definitely Human
    > Needs help making drawings.
    v Is a cool person
  7. ^ has a life
    >needs a life
    v wishes he lived in a world where Cylon Sheep Ruled the world of Minecraftia and everyone was on the Counter Terrorist team so they never lost in CS:GO, and was sadly disappointed on birth

    oh wait...
  8. ^ is one strange mecha
    > currently undergoing maintenance after Roger fed my fist to a big-mouthed megaduece
    v dreads the approaching weekend
  9. ^ was unable to predict the future
    > is sad that the novelty of this thread has worn out
    v will either prove me wrong or lock the thread
  10. ^ hasn't yet given up bumping this thread
    < figured to post for once
    v is not Lacronton again (hm...)
    SpyTheGamerX likes this.
  11. ^ Was using the wrong direction of arrow intended.

    > Wasting time on colouring (I did not spell colour wrong, it's how my country spells it) every single word in this post while supposedly doing homework.

    v Just posted using the correct arrow and also looking at my amazing post.

    607 likes this.
  12. ^ has written a fabulous post
    < does indeed post using the "correct" arrow ;D
    v uses odd right pointing arrow
    SpyTheGamerX likes this.
  13. ^ uses the wrong arrow because the title of the thread uses the > one ;D
    > posts using the correct arrow, like a boss
    v probably posts using the correct arrow too :]
  14. ^Uses the ">" arrow which is the arrow used in the first post
    > Has died countless numbers of times on EMC
    v Will die countless number of times on EMC
  15. ^ is right about me

    >has wasted a ton of time replying to 607's post with rainbow then people takes my place

    v hates rainbows (and unicorns)
    607 likes this.
  16. ^ Is the rainbow hater for accusing me of hating rainbows
    > Needs to do homework, but decided this is the best use of my time
    v Has already finished their homework, because they are a good student
  17. ^doesn't know that I wasted 2 hours on typing in rainbows
    >also done his homework like a good student
    v is bored
  18. ^ is finally correct
    < should be writing down physics formulas
    v slept less than 8 hours last night
  19. ^ is correct and also revived this forum game
    > has been eating lots of chocolate
    v should be eating lots of chocolate too
    607 likes this.
  20. ^ is a chocolate fiend
    > had a chocolate chip muffin for breakfast
    v has an unique breakfast food preference