[Forum Game] Never Have I Ever

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by AussieZaid, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. Never!
    Never have I ever broken something so bad that it took hours to fix.
  2. never
    never have i ever been afraid of spiders
  3. I am!
    Never have I ever fried my computer processor
  4. Hm... this seems interesting!
    I haven't!
    Never have I ever drunk Coca-Cola.
  5. I have. (From a glass bottle even)

    Never have I ever met a famous youtuber in real life.
  6. Famous is subjective... :p
    I might have.
    Never have I ever played a first person shooter.
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  7. I kinda have, it's only partially a first person shooter.

    Never have I ever slipped on a banana peel.