[Forum Game] Name An Animal Who Starts With The Last Letter Of The Previous Animal

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 29672057602, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. Ay, love me some ARK.

    In the same category as things in ARK, I'll go with Argentavis.
  2. Tasmanian Devil
  3. Alaskan Malamute
  4. Though I'm pretty sure this response works, Stallion's aren't their own species. The term Stallion falls under the terms of gender, like Bull and Cow (gender terms for cows). But yeah, you guys are good to carry on.

    Also eastern diamondback
    607, Kytula and Themoglover like this.
  5. Im seeing lots of double ups! Running out of animal ideas? Surely not, this is just the 7th page, there are like thousands of animals out there, dont look at the first link (If you search it up) Explore!

    Kingdra (Pokemon)

    Abra (Pokemon)
    PhoenixAffinity likes this.
  6. :p thankfully you didn't switch it from A, lets bring some more dino action! Allosaurus

    Also, S has alot of options to go through
    *Note to theomglover, don't make me go Pokemon on you. Your mind will be nuked when I'm through*
  7. Egyptian Viper
  8. Nile Crocodile
  9. Eastern Cougar
  10. Harpy.
    Themoglover likes this.