[Forum Game] Kill the Witheries

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by EnderMagic1, Feb 22, 2016.


Which role would you want to be?

I like killing people.- Witherie 7 vote(s) 35.0%
I like mysteries.- Detective 7 vote(s) 35.0%
I want to be normal! :/ -Innocent 3 vote(s) 15.0%
I want to be the only smart person- Doctor 3 vote(s) 15.0%
  1. Well they don't need to worry about a Squid anymore ;)
    fBuilderS likes this.
  2. Where's all the good bread gonna come from now?
    Goldfish_Cannon likes this.
  3. This is Getting 3spooky5me :eek:
    Goldfish_Cannon likes this.
  4. I'm not sure why, but somehow this thread isn't popping up in my alert box. Better make sure to check back tomorrow. Who will die tonight?
  5. bump remember Night 3 ends tomorrow