Sorry, I am posting this a little early because I have to go to bed. But, anyways, here is the news. Night 2… The town has voted. Evesthery was executed today due to suspicions. While the doctor is analyzing her body, watch these players carefully. -ShyguytheGamer1 (2 votes) It is night again. The detective will learn a new role, the doctor will save and analyze, and the withers will murder someone. Good Luck! Night 2 ends on March 1, 2016.
Day 2… A player has died. Players remaining: 6. Gawadrolt’s body was found inside a chest, his head bound to the side. Our witnesses speak out… “I was baking some bread and I opened my chests. Inside them was his body. I nearly barfed at the sight of his body. I immediately called the detective.” -fBuilderS “Uh- I was walking downstairs, and… I saw fBuilderS looking inside that chest.” -joshrocks78 Good News: Doctor has discovered that Evesthery was INNOCENT. Who was really innocent? Was anyone witherie? People you can vote on: fBuilderS joshrocks78 Day 2 ends on March 2, 2016. Good Luck!
I swear I am innocent! Why would I ever do such a horrible deed when I could be spending that wasted time baking more pita bread and baguettes! Besides joshrocks sounded very suspicious
He was the only one to respond might I warn you. You are a little quick to be jumping to conclusions... Let the others speak and you can fight your battle. As for me...
I see some treachery afoot between some people, but don't mind me I'm just a skeleton passing through.
Night 3… A player has died. Players remaining: 5. fBuilderS was executed today. Suspicious Players: joshrocks78 (2 votes) Night 3 ends on March 4, 2016. Good Luck!