You had to. xD I actually remembered twice, but then forgot again. But see, it does work. If I'd have posted "Guesses are renewed" just like that, Tom wouldn't have been able to guess anymore, and now he did! Also, I was waiting for this to happen... I forgot to enter a letter! That is bound to happen in this game, but I am surprised it took me this long. At least I haven't ever had the letter count wrong, yet. The post beneath Tom's is the correct, updated one. There's still some time to get a word guess in, if you've got an idea! Code: M A N _ _ A _ _ _ R _
Also forgot to post the already guessed letters I think I know what the word is, but let's give someone else a chance. Is there a Y?
Hm? I keep the already guessed letters updated. You do know my rounds are in the first post beneath the OP, where they belong, right? You have already guessed, though, and it's not noon EMC time yet. You could guess the word anyway.
Dang... I thought that could be it except last I saw you only had one A listed in the word. I guess it pays to be on the forums in the early EMC hours.
I'm sorry. But I won't beat myself up over it, not even figuratively rolleyes: when hosting this game, it's almost impossible never to make a mistake like this. Especially because I have to update the game in-between other things sometimes, so I don't keep people waiting very long. Here's a new word, though. Code: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
It is! I don't have time to send out the rewards right now, though, please remind me in 3 hours. I don't even really know what 'perpendicular' means... I really like how it sounds, though!
Perpendicular is if you have 2 lines that cross each at a 90* angle they would be perpendicular to each other. This is my definition in layman's terms.