[FORUM GAME] Guess the Word

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Mar 19, 2017.


Do you mind the term and theme 'Hangman'?

Yes. 23 vote(s) 22.1%
No. 81 vote(s) 77.9%
  1. Lucky with the S has me thinking cause I don't see an H has been guessed either. Going for the word (shh)
    TomvanWijnen, 607 and luckycordel like this.
  2. Huh, that picture. xD
    luckycordel and AncientTower like this.
  3. There is no F, unfortunately. :)

    And there is also no S, unfortunately (though I did think about using the plural of the word, I didn't because I thought it would be much less known and less frequently used than the regular word... ;))

    It is not shh, but good guess. :)

    Nah, nothing to worry in my case. :)

    *inhales too*
    Woopdidoo! (that rhymes :D)

    N T H
    That is very much correct. :D This must be a first, 11 incorrect letters guessed (almost half of the alphabet!), 4 incorrect words guessed, 0 correct letters guessed, and then the entire word in one go. :D

    Good job. :)
    luckycordel, ASliceOfRhyBread and 607 like this.
  4. Good word, actually! The full version sounds nicer, but this one looks nicer. ;)
    luckycordel and TomvanWijnen like this.
  5. Hold up
    how did that work
  6. Full version?

    How not? :D
    purplebook163 and luckycordel like this.
  7. Umpteenth. Edit: 'nth' isn't an abbreviation, though, but a synonym.
  8. Ahh, yeah, I thought about that one too, but decided to choose this one, because it doesn't have any vowels. ;)
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  9. Can I host the next round?
    luckycordel and TomvanWijnen like this.
  10. I know I'm not 607, but I do know that he said (before you joined) that anyone could host (when no other word is being tried to be found) a round, so sure, go ahead! I'm looking forward to which word you can come up with. :)
    607, luckycordel and purplebook163 like this.
  11. Alright, here's my word:

    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    luckycordel likes this.
  12. An "I" please:D
    purplebook163 likes this.
  13. Is there an S?
    luckycordel and purplebook163 like this.
  14. Sure, as long as no rounds are going.
    However, I would like you to make a post (you could use the one from today) that you will keep updated with the former rounds, and preferably the current round as well, like I do at the beginning of the thread. I will then link to your post, if you tell me which it is. :)

    I wanted to start another round yesterday, but hadn't yet come across a word I wanted to use. :p

    Oh, and 'E'.
    luckycordel and purplebook163 like this.
  15. Can I guess a Y, please?
    luckycordel likes this.
  16. Nope, sorry!
    Not quite. ;)
    There are some E's!

    _ _ _ E _ E _ E _ _
    Guessed: I, S, E

    (I now see that I miss counted the letters. Sorry. This post is correct.)
    luckycordel and 607 like this.

  17. July 28 - 29: Antecedent- because I'm a grammar nerd.
    December 10 - ?: Villainous
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  18. Why don't we renew guesses? 😀
  19. Peachy. Is there an R?
    luckycordel likes this.
  20. No, sorry.

    _ _ _ E _ E _ E _ _
    Guessed: I, S, E, R
    luckycordel likes this.