[FORUM GAME] Guess the Word

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 607, Mar 19, 2017.


Do you mind the term and theme 'Hangman'?

Yes. 23 vote(s) 22.1%
No. 81 vote(s) 77.9%
  1. *thinks it's "canadian"*
    *realises that doens't work .... :p*

    How about a D? :)
    luckycordel, AncientTower and 607 like this.
  2. If this ends up being a word I know, I'll be surprised. :p
    luckycordel and AncientTower like this.
  3. Anything is possible if you believe it but I also believe it's of Canadian origin. Also the letter D is not floating well here.

    C A _ A _ A _ A N 
    P R O P A G A N D I Z E
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  4. hehe. I was right

    Catamaran :)

    One of these things
  5. Sorry 99 but you've guessed a letter already.. So I've hidden your post.. ;)

    Edit: If no one gets it be 8am EMC time tomorrow, I'll allow second chance guessing.
  6. Did he guess another letter? Because I accepted the proposed rule of being able to guess a word, even if you've guessed a letter already, as long as you post both guesses in different posts.
    luckycordel and AncientTower like this.
  7. Oh, guess I forgot about that change and 99 guessed a word.. Hold one it's getting windy, think we have a winner.
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  8. Sorry, I forgot there had been a rule change to allow a guess of a word after a letter guess. Congrats!!
    C A T A M A R A N 
    P R O P A G A N D I Z E
    luckycordel and 607 like this.
  9. Well then, count me surprised; I have heard of that word before: from my sister, I think. :p
    luckycordel and AncientTower like this.
  10. Since It's Lake season where I live I thought it was a nice theme. I like sailing Catamarans as long as it's windy out.
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  11. May I host a round? :)
    luckycordel likes this.
  12. Will be paying out the rupees either tonight or tomorrow morning to those who guessed a correct letter and or word.

    P R O P A G A N D I Z E
    C A T A M A R A N 
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  13. Sure. I've got a word waiting too, though. :p

    I awarded the Club Points. :) 99marvel hadn't got any yet, but's right up to 6 now! ;) (still, 10 is the minimum for getting any rewards)
    luckycordel likes this.
  14. Code:
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    luckycordel likes this.
  15. Rupees all sent out to those that earned them.

    Also I'll guess letter L
    607 and luckycordel like this.
  16. Code:
    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ L _ _ _
    AncientTower likes this.
  17. That's the L, not the I...
  18. oh, whoops... Blame Windows :p it looked like an L on my end
  19. So did tower correctly guess an I or not, or are you just going to roll with that you thought he said L? :p

    I'm also curious how it could've looked like an L - I'm also on Windows and everywhere I tried it clearly looks like a capital I. :p
    607, AncientTower and luckycordel like this.
  20. looked like a lowercase L on my side :p I'm going to stick with the fact that Tower guessed an L, unless if 607 says otherwise.
    luckycordel and AncientTower like this.