|Forum Game| Counting in different languages

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by 29672057602, Dec 27, 2017.

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  1. Simple count up in different languages .

    (You might wanna translate that number that was posted above just incase you stuff it up)

    And try not say the same language that was used above.

  2. Vijf
    607 likes this.
  3. ενδέκα
  4. Kaksteist
  5. δεκατρία
  6. четрнаест
  7. Neliteist Viisteist
  8. δεκαέξι
    (for those who has lost track, 16)
    Theomglover likes this.
  9. δεκαόκτω
  10. είκοσι! (20)
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