Forever Alone

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by FriedLikeRice, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Was that meant to be dirty or is my mind just filthy?
  2. Probably the second choice, since its just a banana. Quite a fine specimen of one too.
  3. Same here...but seeing as i'm 12, and I hang around with people who make these jokes, it's probably just that my mind is filthy.
  4. To everyone who's alone, I bid you a happy chocolate and regret day!

  5. I'll be all every ones Valentine today. If you need a Valentine, Krysyyjane9191, Chickeneer, and I will be your Valentine!

    I'll be on smp 5, Krysyy will be on smp 2.
    I am not sure about Chickeneer.
  6. I can give something more than that.
    An internet hug and my obligatory imploration that you go forth and own at life.
    Any day of the year.
  7. 0.o .... my thoughts were just intruded with vile things.
  8. I am forever alone too
  9. So I am not the only one with a filthy mind.
  10. Be thankful you don't have a partner who's reading you the Riot Act because you didn't buy a card. :D

    Also, today is the easiest day of the year to pull. Go and look for a girl in a bar crying, and go for it.
  11. hahahahaha, no. mine is so far into the depths of gutter-land its shocking.
  12. LOL gutter land !
    PandasEatRamen, mba2012 and battmeghs like this.
  13. A Valentines rose from Max EDIT: Can a mod fix these crazy spoilers :confused: I gave her some butter boots in return =)
  14. Oh.. great... :p
    mba2012, Lasluin and jamesg003 like this.
  15. What happens if you have
  16. Not sure why everyone makes such a big deal out of being alone on Valentines... I find all this "Forever Alone" stuff funny.
    mba2012, jkjkjk182 and jacob5089 like this.
  17. Poor soul.
  18. Its a joke. I think.

    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  19. Haha I know that feeling. I blame South Park, Beavis and Butthead, and some of the comic books I read.