The first thing I'll do is create a shield. Going to need that venturing outside of town, with the new battle mechanics. Next up, I breed villager after villager, until I get one that trades Mending and one that trades Frost Walker II. Then... I suppose I figure out if I care to find a dragon head, to use to make potions, to use to make tipped arrows.
I plan to be there when the update of EMC happens. Because the update is in the morning, I can make it for once
I'm going to the wasteland to get a dragon's head, I'm going to wear it as a helmet, and then chase people around town with it's mouth moving animation.
Put on some armor, go with my friend to the End Waste, raid End Cities and ships, then use my friend as a meat shield while I run back to Waste Outpost. Then after 8 minutes I'll take his stuff