first person to find a emerald from mining!!?@

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Skilled_Creeper, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. I wish I was a diamond supporter! :mad:

    I got 2 emeralds. One i'm keeping (it was my first emerald) and one I traded for 4 experience potions :3 Both where traded for.
  2. Hey I couldn't even find a emerald in creative on single player, congrats.
  3. Am I the first to find a desert temple? (smp7) - 6 Emeralds plus other goodies :)
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  4. I hases 21 ores. :p
  5. i literally spent all day yesterday mining for Emerald Ores.... and I ended up finding way more Iron, Diamond, and Gold of course

    but I've already sold over a stack of Emerald Ore in my shop, time to go out and mine more today lol
  6. Wait a minute... Can you get experience potion on single player by tradeing now??!!!
  7. i like a pig: i replied to your message, you must've had town chat hidden
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  8. Hmm. I was in the wild lol.
  9. ah okay, i didn't see that you were using supporter chat until after you had logged off
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  10. Actually, guys, someone already tried to auction 38 emerald ore before this. Nice try though
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  11. So I was mining out random rooms on utopia and came across this in one of my rooms:

    So cool!!
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  12. haxxor lol
