Firespread prevention plugin?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by FrankieC, Jun 9, 2012.

  1. I believe this thread may go down in history.
    FlevasGR, chickeneer and 72Volt like this.
  2. I wish I could post the screen shots that someone sent to me because someone was throwing eggs at his res. The pics clearly showed a player throwing eggs but also included all the NODUS menus and on screen info (NODUS is a hack client).
    Joshposh70 and Daffy22 like this.
  3. Lol what a fail. Kinda feel sorry for him though :p
  4. I apologise for using the texture pack everyone, I have not used it to cheat as some of you may know about my project.

    On my EMC residence I soon plan to create a 9/11 memorial tower for those lost, including information on them and how they tried to help others to survive. You can most likely see this on my residence by going to it's main section, straight infront of you is the start of the tower and it is nowhere near done.

    The reason I have been using the texture pack is to try and get as much rupees together as I can to buy masses, and i mean masses of smooth stone and other building equipment, it was the only way to help me to do this as I have recived little donations and I am absoloutly hopeless at entering competitions due to my lack on mental creativity.

    I apologise once again for using the texture pack and I hope you forgive me, though people say 'it's cheating' or may laugh at me, it was for the best intentions I assure you and I don't want to go down seen as 'an xraying prick', i want to be seen as 'the xrayer who tried to make a change'.
  5. I don't know what context you mean by that, if you are trying to infer that I use a hacked client/mod, I do not.
  6. Its one awful x-ray texturepack if it only removed dirt o,O!

    Hey, i'll go use xray to find myself some pumpkins, cobble and planks! :rolleyes:
  7. The 9/11 is done.
    You are done.
    Xray is done.

    Joshposh70 likes this.
  8. I don't appreciate you ganging up on me like that, i've been polite and helpful to many people on this server and you're treating me like bollocks after i've explained what reasons I had. I even put in a lot of effort towards making this suggestion. I am currently thinking up some new pages to help JackBiggin with his EMCwiki and I am entering the delta team colony contest out in the wild. It's not asif I'm a secretive person just xraying for a living..

    I could be a horrible person who constantly curses at others, who tries to grief others and steal other peoples things, but no, i'm a friendly, active person who enjoys joining in on projects and trying to make a difference, thankyou for making me look like crap.
  9. But you READ the rules, You KNOW the rules, You broke the rules, End of story.
  10. FrankieC, I dont believe anyone has meant to put you down in any way. However using Mods. of any kind, for personal or even communal, as you've tried to explain, benefit is a violation of the EMC rules. As such you have been Banned at this time. If you wish to rejoin the EMC servers you must start a Private Chat with Bigdavie [he is the moderator who banned you] and explain your position in this message.
    I hope this helps you.

  11. Frankie,

    Send your appeal into BigDavie. We're not complete jerks to those who aren't jerks back to us. What was said IS correct. The rules state to not use things like X-Ray texture pack. Not, Don't use X-Ray texture pack unless you're (reason).

    To everyone, no need to be completely rude to people that aren't being jerks. At the same time you have to realize, they're upset that they're following the rules everyday and it sucks to see that someone is on our server not following them.
  12. @IceCreamCow, thunder = stolen
  13. I like where you are coming from but quite a lot of players purposely use fire as a way of clearing their residence. Introducing a server wide OR even Empire Wide alert would annoy players creating arguments or even threats of any kind toward the server and/or it's staff... So yeah it could be of some use but I think it would create more issues than it resolves.
  14. Didn't Mystul do a 9/11 memorial?
  15. Guys why is minecraft down!!?
  16. I can't connect using a client, but I can connect using the browser. Not exactly sure why.

    There's also one at res 911 on smp1.
  17. Just so everyone knows, I have had my ban shortened from permanent to 3 days, when I come back on the server I don't want to have the hassle of 'hahah frankiec gt bnned 4 xray' ect. It will really put me down and i would probably just reset my residence and leave, (which i really don't want to do).

    Thankyou to the people who understood my reasoning and once again repeatedly, I am sorry for using the texture pack.

    ps. the person who quoted my picture suggesting that i was going to remove it, good call but i'm not a complete thick headed idiot, what you see is what you see and the seen can not be unseen, in other words I was wrong and there's nothing that can prove my innocence.
  18. Does anyone else notice the dude wjth the pumkin head has flint and steel in his hand.
    FlevasGR and chickeneer like this.
  19. If you really want to prevent a fire, just dont put an open flame near any flammable materials. All fires should be 3-4 blocks away from wood or wool. :)