I'd say both. Skyrim can be picked up relatively cheap (not talking about the whole Elder Scrolls online, I personally don't care for that) and it remains to be seen if / when the next version is to be released. If you enjoy RPG / Fantasy settings and a no-nonsense open world (referring to the "play as you like" approach). Fallout is also a fantasy based game but of a darker nature. As you can read above; post (nuclear) war environments where you'll come into contact with both "old fashioned" weapons as well as state of the art stuff (battle suits / laser guns). I personally love the Brotherhood of Steel approach: trying to pick up bits and pieces of technology and (trying) to use that to their advantage. I also enjoy power armor very much But... It's more modern based. Laser guns, power armor, technology.... Whereas Skyrim focuses more the RPG / fantasy genre. Powerful swords, heavy magic, potions, etc, etc. To be honest both Fallout III & F.O. NV together with Skyrim are my favorite adventures on the PS3. Games I still like to play every now and then.
Well, fortunately for me I picked that up long after I finished the game. Because I think the DLC in Fallout 3 was a bit poorly executed where gameplay is concerned. When I came out of Vault 101 the whole environment felt desolate, abandoned, you really felt like you were alone until you discovered Megaton of course. But with the DLC installed your radio bursts with activity right after you exited. In my opinion it totally destroys the moment of feeling abandoned and alone. So yah, only had later issues. Which also got solved over time. The aliens for example, this used to stall or crash my entire game but at a later time (update iirc) things just started working. Pesky guys those aliens btw
I hate the Brotherhood of Steel I get that picking up bits and pieces of technology to use to their advantage is great, and they are so much better than the Enclave - but they act like nobody else is allowed that technology, when other people have as much right as them to use it. Although, after what happened with technology 200+ years before the events of Fallout 3, I can't blame them I was both delighted and saddened to hear that they had lost their foothold in Western USA and the NCR had almost wiped them out. I'm kind of hoping their Washington D.C establishment spread out over the coast and have hunted the Enclave to extinction. Also, what were those inbred mutated rednecks in Virginia you meet in one of the FO3 DLCs called? I want those to be gone too because they scared me more than Feral Ghouls >.> Speaking of Feral Ghouls, are those things attacking the player in the shop in the trailer Feral Ghouls? I'm not sure, because Bethesda went with 'you can see their muscles and they have no skin whatsoever' for Fallout 3 and New Vegas, but the things in the trailer look grey, their skin looks like its peeling off, they have glowing yellowish-orange eyes, and it looks like they have more clothes on this time around
I have boarded the hype train leaving for Boston! The Boston accent is going to be hilarious in this game. "Powah Armah"
I've never heard a Boston accent before, but that sounds pretty close to how we'd say 'Power Armour' in England and Wales...
tbh bethesda looks like they saved the money they could have spent on better graphics for ESVI, but it will still be an amazing and beautiful game
I honestly don't understand why a load of people are complaining about the graphics. From what's been revealed so far, they look absolutely fine, and they will probably do some more polishing before release. It fits the pre-1970s look they have going for it, and it looks amazing. Besides, Bethesda games aren't exactly known for amazing graphics. Skyrim can produce some amazing sights, but since most of its world is set in white snow, it doesn't look as nice as it could.
coughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcoughcough For anyone who doesn't know, the launch trailer has arrived, and it's bloody beautiful!