Exciting new partnership! FREE RUPEES!

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by JustinGuy, Jun 28, 2012.

  1. Wow- that is the complete opposite of what we have had here... Could we borrow some of that rain? We have only had 1.3" in the entire month of June and .24" in May. We also have had an average of 109 Degrees in the last 5 days... We are just asking for a fire
    ZBSDKryten likes this.
  2. With pleasure, mate - tell you what - let's do the swop - we'll give you the cloud and rain in exchange for some badly needed sunshine; :) though I must confess, no way could I handle those sort of temperatures - makes me sweat just to think about it. hope it improves all round.

    chickeneer likes this.
    chickeneer likes this.
  4. I find it hard to believe you can't remember crafting recipes. But I suppose your head is full of code all day....
  5. I remember all of the common crafting recipes but things like redstone repeaters, Enchantment tables, etc. which I don't use to often... I don't remember
  6. Sweet free rupees! Btw the guide is awesome too!
  7. does it start wth FREE cause i thnk i stumbled to it b4 0.o
  8. I know right? I can remeber every single crafting recipe off by heart.
  9. :rolleyes:
    IcecreamCow likes this.
  10. Minimoose approves minecraftopia AND the wiki
    so no more arguing
  11. What a great wiki to use.. Better ten the Minecraft wiki Loads of stuff to read but tis.. Makes this

    Over 9000 times BETTER then the minecraft wiki
  12. wrong try agean
  13. Wow.. can you spell again?
  14. actally, i think it's mcw is > or = minecraftopia
  15. it all depends on the category
  16. 2 Pieces of wheat on the middle layer with coca beans in the middle.
  17. thats cookies
  18. me too. except firecharge and steel an flint but that's just the order that messes me up
  19. oops, i meant to reply to joshposh
  20. My cousin got a 450k $ scholarship for the place.
    Ima gonna move there sometime this summer.