Everything Crashed [Closed: issue averted]

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by DemonThunder345, Sep 21, 2013.

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  1. Okay, what I really love about this, it that barely a few users (three or four at most) have reported their games crashing, and then everyone panics and goes nuts... -_-
    Nothing to do with the site, your shockwave player crashed, just reload the page
  2. It did?!
  3. Great, I can't get online, and I've got homework to do. Why did this have to happen on a SATURDAY!??!?!? :mad:
  4. they're up again!!!
  5. Let's see how long thats lasts
  6. They seemed to have fixed the problem after around 6 hours....
    trent948 likes this.
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